path: root/gpr/source/lib/vc5_encoder/encoder.h
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1 files changed, 333 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gpr/source/lib/vc5_encoder/encoder.h b/gpr/source/lib/vc5_encoder/encoder.h
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+++ b/gpr/source/lib/vc5_encoder/encoder.h
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+/*! @file encoder.h
+ *
+ * @brief Declaration of the data structures and constants used for core encoding.
+ *
+ * (C) Copyright 2018 GoPro Inc (
+ *
+ * Licensed under either:
+ * - Apache License, Version 2.0,
+ * - MIT license,
+ * at your option.
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#ifndef ENCODER_H
+#define ENCODER_H
+ @brief Data structure for the pixel or picture aspect ratio
+ @todo Should the members of the aspect ratio data structure be unsigned?
+typedef struct _aspect_ratio
+ int16_t x; //!< Numerator of the aspect ratio
+ int16_t y; //!< Denominator of the aspect ratio
+ @brief Data structure for the buffers and information used by the encoder
+ The encoder data structure contains information that will be
+ used by the encoder for decoding every sample in the sequence.
+ Information that varies during decoding, such as the current
+ subband index or the dimensions of the bands in the wavelet that
+ is being decoded, is stored in the codec state.
+ The encoded dimensions are the width and height of the array of pixels
+ for each encoded channel (image plane), including padding added to
+ satisfy the requirements of the wavelet transforms. In the case
+ of 4:2:2 sampling, the encoded width and height are for the luma channel.
+ The display dimensions are the width and height of the display aperture,
+ the displayable portion of the decoded image with padding removed.
+ The display dimensions can include a row and column offset to trim
+ top rows and left columns from the decoded image prior to display.
+ The decoded dimensions equal the encoded dimensions at full resolution
+ and are reduced by a power of two if decoded to a lower resolution.
+ The decoded dimensions are derived from the encoded dimensions and the
+ decoded resolution.
+ The decoded dimensions are used to allocate the wavelet tree for the
+ lowpass and highpass coefficients decoded from the bitstream. It is
+ not necessary to allocate wavelets for larger resolutions than the
+ decoded resolution.
+ For Bayer encoded images, the encoded dimensions are half the width
+ and height of the input dimensions (after windowing). Typically,
+ media containers report the display dimensions as twice the encoded
+ dimensions since a demosaic algorithm must be applied to produce a
+ displayable image that looks right to most people.
+ @todo Consider changing the transform data structure to use a
+ vector of wavelets rather than a vector of wavelet pointers.
+typedef struct _encoder
+ // CODEC codec; //!< Common fields for both the encoder and decoder
+ FILE *logfile; //!< File for writing debugging information
+ CODEC_ERROR error; //!< Error code from the most recent codec operation
+ gpr_allocator *allocator; //!< Memory allocator used to allocate all dyynamic data
+ CODEC_STATE codec; //!< Information gathered while decoding the current sample
+ VERSION version; //!< Codec version (major, minor, revision, build)
+ //! Parts of the VC-5 standard that are supported at runtime by the codec implementation
+ ENABLED_PARTS enabled_parts;
+ uint64_t frame_number; //!< Every sample in a clip has a unique frame number
+ //! Number of color channels in the input and encoded images
+ uint_fast8_t channel_count;
+ //! Number of wavelet transforms in each channel
+ uint_fast8_t wavelet_count;
+ //! Internal precision used by this encoder
+ PRECISION internal_precision;
+ IMAGE_FORMAT image_format; //!< Type of the image represented by the bitstream
+ DIMENSION image_width; //!< Number of samples per row in the image represented by the bitstream
+ DIMENSION image_height; //!< Number of rows of samples in the image represented by the bitstream
+ DIMENSION pattern_width; //!< Number of samples per row in each pattern element
+ DIMENSION pattern_height; //!< Number of rows of samples in each pattern element
+ DIMENSION components_per_sample; //!< Number of components per sample in the image
+ DIMENSION max_bits_per_component; //!< Upper bound on the number of significant bits per component value
+ DIMENSION image_width; //!< Upper bound on the width of each channel
+ DIMENSION image_height; //!< Upper bound on the height of each channel
+ //! Progressive frame flag
+ BOOLEAN progressive;
+ // Interlaced frame with the top field encoded first
+ BOOLEAN top_field_first;
+ // The encoded frame is upside down (not used)
+ BOOLEAN frame_inverted;
+ struct _channel
+ {
+ DIMENSION width; //!< Width of the next channel in the bitstream
+ DIMENSION height; //!< Height of the next channel in the bitstream
+ //! Precision of the component array for the next channel in the bitstream
+ PRECISION bits_per_component;
+ //! Number of bits per lowpass coefficient
+ PRECISION lowpass_precision;
+ } channel[MAX_CHANNEL_COUNT]; //!< Information about each channel
+ //! Dimensions and format of the image that was input to the encoder
+ struct _input
+ {
+ DIMENSION width; //!< Width of the image input to the encoder
+ DIMENSION height; //!< Height of the image input to the encoder
+ PIXEL_FORMAT format; //!< Pixel format of the image input to the encode
+ } input; //!< Information about the image input to the encoder
+ uint_least8_t layer_count; //!< Number of subsamples in each sample
+ //! Wavelet tree for each channel
+ //! Codebook to use for encoding
+ //! Scratch buffer for unpacking the input image
+ PIXEL *unpacked_buffer[MAX_CHANNEL_COUNT];
+ //! Parameter that controls the amount of rounding before quantization
+ int midpoint_prequant;
+ //! Table for the order in which channels are encoded into the bitstream
+ CHANNEL channel_order_table[MAX_CHANNEL_COUNT];
+ //! Number of entries in the channel order table (may be less than the channel count)
+ int channel_order_count;
+ uint8_t image_sequence_identifier[16]; //!< UUID used for the unique image identifier
+ uint32_t image_sequence_number; //!< Number of the image in the encoded sequence
+ COMPONENT_TRANSFORM *component_transform;
+ COMPONENT_PERMUTATION *component_permutation;
+ //! Six rows of horizontal lowpass results for each channel
+ //! Six rows of horizontal highpass results for each channel
+ ENABLED_SECTIONS enabled_sections;
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+ CODEC_ERROR InitEncoder(ENCODER *encoder, const gpr_allocator *allocator, const VERSION *version);
+ //TAGWORD PackedEncoderVersion(ENCODER *encoder);
+ CODEC_ERROR PrepareEncoder(ENCODER *encoder,
+ const UNPACKED_IMAGE *image,
+ const ENCODER_PARAMETERS *parameters);
+ CODEC_ERROR PrepareEncoderState(ENCODER *encoder,
+ const UNPACKED_IMAGE *image,
+ const ENCODER_PARAMETERS *parameters);
+ CODEC_ERROR SetInputChannelFormats(ENCODER *encoder, ENCODER_PARAMETERS *parameters);
+ CODEC_ERROR ReleaseEncoder(ENCODER *encoder);
+ CODEC_ERROR AllocEncoderTransforms(ENCODER *encoder);
+ CODEC_ERROR AllocEncoderBuffers(ENCODER *encoder);
+ //CODEC_ERROR EncodeStream(IMAGE *image, STREAM *stream, PARAMETERS *parameters);
+ CODEC_ERROR EncodeImage(IMAGE *image, STREAM *stream, RGB_IMAGE *rgb_image, ENCODER_PARAMETERS *parameters);
+ //CODEC_ERROR EncodeSingleImage(ENCODER *encoder, IMAGE *image, BITSTREAM *stream);
+ CODEC_ERROR EncodingProcess(ENCODER *encoder,
+ const UNPACKED_IMAGE *image,
+ BITSTREAM *stream,
+ const ENCODER_PARAMETERS *parameters);
+ CODEC_ERROR EncodeSingleImage(ENCODER *encoder, const UNPACKED_IMAGE *image, BITSTREAM *stream);
+ CODEC_ERROR EncodeSingleChannel(ENCODER *encoder, void *buffer, size_t pitch, BITSTREAM *stream);
+ //CODEC_ERROR EncodeMultipleImages(ENCODER *encoder, IMAGE *image_array[], int frame_count, BITSTREAM *stream);
+ CODEC_ERROR PrepareEncoderTransforms(ENCODER *encoder);
+ //CODEC_ERROR ImageUnpackingProcess(ENCODER *encoder, IMAGE *image);
+ CODEC_ERROR ImageUnpackingProcess(const PACKED_IMAGE *packed_image,
+ UNPACKED_IMAGE *unpacked_image,
+ const ENCODER_PARAMETERS *parameters,
+ gpr_allocator *allocator);
+ CODEC_ERROR UnpackImage(const PACKED_IMAGE *input, UNPACKED_IMAGE *output, ENABLED_PARTS enabled_parts);
+ CODEC_ERROR PreprocessImageRow(uint8_t *input, DIMENSION image_width, uint8_t *output);
+ CODEC_ERROR UnpackImageRow(uint8_t *input_row_ptr,
+ DIMENSION image_width,
+ PIXEL_FORMAT pixel_format,
+ PIXEL *output_row_ptr[],
+ PRECISION bits_per_component[],
+ int channel_count,
+ ENABLED_PARTS enabled_parts,
+ int raw_shift);
+ CODEC_ERROR EncodeBitstreamHeader(ENCODER *encoder, BITSTREAM *bitstream);
+ CODEC_ERROR EncodeBitstreamTrailer(ENCODER *encoder, BITSTREAM *bitstream);
+ CODEC_ERROR EncodeExtensionHeader(ENCODER *encoder, BITSTREAM *bitstream);
+ CODEC_ERROR EncodeExtensionTrailer(ENCODER *encoder, BITSTREAM *bitstream);
+ //CODEC_ERROR EncodeLayer(ENCODER *encoder, void *buffer, size_t pitch, BITSTREAM *stream);
+ CODEC_ERROR EncodeMultipleChannels(ENCODER *encoder, const UNPACKED_IMAGE *image, BITSTREAM *stream);
+ CODEC_ERROR EncodeLayerHeader(ENCODER *encoder, BITSTREAM *bitstream);
+ CODEC_ERROR EncodeLayerTrailer(ENCODER *encoder, BITSTREAM *bitstream);
+ CODEC_ERROR SetEncoderQuantization(ENCODER *encoder,
+ const ENCODER_PARAMETERS *parameters);
+ CODEC_ERROR SetTransformQuantTable(ENCODER *encoder, int channel, const QUANT table[], int length);
+ CODEC_ERROR GetChannelDimensions(ENCODER *encoder,
+ int channel_number,
+ DIMENSION *channel_width_out,
+ DIMENSION *channel_height_out);
+ CODEC_ERROR GetMaximumChannelDimensions(const UNPACKED_IMAGE *image, DIMENSION *width_out, DIMENSION *height_out);
+ DIMENSION EncodedLayerHeight(ENCODER *encoder, DIMENSION height);
+ CODEC_ERROR SetEncodedBandMask(CODEC_STATE *codec, int subband);
+ CODEC_ERROR EncodeChannelSubbands(ENCODER *encoder, int channel, BITSTREAM *stream);
+ CODEC_ERROR EncodeChannelHeader(ENCODER *encoder,
+ int channel_number,
+ BITSTREAM *stream);
+ CODEC_ERROR EncodeChannelTrailer(ENCODER *encoder, int channel, BITSTREAM *stream);
+ //CODEC_ERROR EncodeLayerChannels(ENCODER *encoder, BITSTREAM *stream);
+ CODEC_ERROR EncodeChannelWavelets(ENCODER *encoder, BITSTREAM *stream);
+ CODEC_ERROR PutVideoLowpassHeader(ENCODER *encoder, int channel_number, BITSTREAM *stream);
+ CODEC_ERROR PutVideoSubbandHeader(ENCODER *encoder, int subband, QUANT quantization, BITSTREAM *stream);
+ CODEC_ERROR PutVideoSubbandTrailer(ENCODER *encoder, BITSTREAM *stream);
+ CODEC_ERROR TransformForwardSpatialQuantFrame(ENCODER *encoder, void *buffer, size_t pitch);
+ CODEC_ERROR AllocateEncoderHorizontalBuffers(ENCODER *encoder);
+ CODEC_ERROR DeallocateEncoderHorizontalBuffers(ENCODER *encoder);
+ CODEC_ERROR AllocateEncoderUnpackingBuffers(ENCODER *encoder, int frame_width);
+ CODEC_ERROR DeallocateEncoderUnpackingBuffers(ENCODER *encoder);
+ CODEC_ERROR AllocateHorizontalBuffers(gpr_allocator *allocator,
+ PIXEL *lowpass_buffer[],
+ PIXEL *highpass_buffer[],
+ int buffer_width);
+ CODEC_ERROR DeallocateHorizontalBuffers(gpr_allocator *allocator,
+ PIXEL *lowpass_buffer[],
+ PIXEL *highpass_buffer[]);
+ CODEC_ERROR PadWaveletBands(ENCODER *encoder, WAVELET *wavelet);
+ CODEC_ERROR EncodeLowpassBand(ENCODER *encoder, WAVELET *wavelet, int channel_number, BITSTREAM *stream);
+ CODEC_ERROR EncodeHighpassBand(ENCODER *encoder, WAVELET *wavelet, int band, int subband, BITSTREAM *stream);
+ CODEC_ERROR EncodeHighpassBandLongRuns(BITSTREAM *stream, ENCODER_CODESET *codeset, PIXEL *data,
+ DIMENSION width, DIMENSION height, DIMENSION pitch);
+ CODEC_ERROR EncodeHighpassBandRowRuns(BITSTREAM *stream, ENCODER_CODESET *codeset, PIXEL *data,
+ DIMENSION width, DIMENSION height, DIMENSION pitch);
+ CODEC_ERROR GetSampleOffsetSegment(BITSTREAM *bitstream, uint32_t offset, TAGVALUE *segment_out);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif // ENCODER_H