/*****************************************************************************/ // Copyright 2006-2008 Adobe Systems Incorporated // All Rights Reserved. // // NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in // accordance with the terms of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it. /*****************************************************************************/ /* $Id: //mondo/dng_sdk_1_4/dng_sdk/source/dng_xmp.cpp#1 $ */ /* $DateTime: 2012/05/30 13:28:51 $ */ /* $Change: 832332 $ */ /* $Author: tknoll $ */ /*****************************************************************************/ #include "dng_xmp.h" #include "dng_assertions.h" #include "dng_date_time.h" #include "dng_exceptions.h" #include "dng_exif.h" #include "dng_image_writer.h" #include "dng_iptc.h" #include "dng_negative.h" #include "dng_string.h" #include "dng_string_list.h" #include "dng_utils.h" #include "dng_xmp_sdk.h" #include "stdc_includes.h" /*****************************************************************************/ dng_xmp::dng_xmp (dng_memory_allocator &allocator) : fAllocator (allocator) , fSDK (NULL) { fSDK = new dng_xmp_sdk (); if (!fSDK) { ThrowMemoryFull (); } } /*****************************************************************************/ dng_xmp::dng_xmp (const dng_xmp &xmp) : fAllocator (xmp.fAllocator) , fSDK (NULL) { fSDK = new dng_xmp_sdk (*xmp.fSDK); if (!fSDK) { ThrowMemoryFull (); } } /*****************************************************************************/ dng_xmp::~dng_xmp () { if (fSDK) { delete fSDK; } } /*****************************************************************************/ dng_xmp * dng_xmp::Clone () const { dng_xmp *result = new dng_xmp (*this); if (!result) { ThrowMemoryFull (); } return result; } /*****************************************************************************/ void dng_xmp::TrimDecimal (char *s) { uint32 len = (uint32) strlen (s); while (len > 0) { if (s [len - 1] == '0') s [--len] = 0; else break; } if (len > 0) { if (s [len - 1] == '.') s [--len] = 0; } } /*****************************************************************************/ dng_string dng_xmp::EncodeFingerprint (const dng_fingerprint &f, bool allowInvalid) { dng_string result; if (f.IsValid () || allowInvalid) { char s [dng_fingerprint::kDNGFingerprintSize * 2 + 1]; f.ToUtf8HexString (s); result.Set (s); } return result; } /*****************************************************************************/ dng_fingerprint dng_xmp::DecodeFingerprint (const dng_string &s) { dng_fingerprint result; if (s.Length () == 32) result.FromUtf8HexString (s.Get ()); return result; } /*****************************************************************************/ dng_string dng_xmp::EncodeGPSVersion (uint32 version) { dng_string result; if (version) { uint8 b0 = (uint8) (version >> 24); uint8 b1 = (uint8) (version >> 16); uint8 b2 = (uint8) (version >> 8); uint8 b3 = (uint8) (version ); if (b0 <= 9 && b1 <= 9 && b2 <= 9 && b3 <= 9) { char s [32]; sprintf (s, "%u.%u.%u.%u", (unsigned) b0, (unsigned) b1, (unsigned) b2, (unsigned) b3); result.Set (s); } } return result; } /*****************************************************************************/ uint32 dng_xmp::DecodeGPSVersion (const dng_string &s) { uint32 result = 0; if (s.Length () == 7) { unsigned b0 = 0; unsigned b1 = 0; unsigned b2 = 0; unsigned b3 = 0; if (sscanf (s.Get (), "%u.%u.%u.%u", &b0, &b1, &b2, &b3) == 4) { result = (b0 << 24) | (b1 << 16) | (b2 << 8) | (b3 ); } } return result; } /*****************************************************************************/ dng_string dng_xmp::EncodeGPSCoordinate (const dng_string &ref, const dng_urational *coord) { dng_string result; if (ref.Length () == 1 && coord [0].IsValid () && coord [1].IsValid ()) { char refChar = ForceUppercase (ref.Get () [0]); if (refChar == 'N' || refChar == 'S' || refChar == 'E' || refChar == 'W') { char s [256]; // Use the seconds case if all three values are // integers. if (coord [0].d == 1 && coord [1].d == 1 && coord [2].d == 1) { sprintf (s, "%u,%u,%u%c", (unsigned) coord [0].n, (unsigned) coord [1].n, (unsigned) coord [2].n, refChar); } // Else we need to use the fractional minutes case. else { // Find value minutes. real64 x = coord [0].As_real64 () * 60.0 + coord [1].As_real64 () + coord [2].As_real64 () * (1.0 / 60.0); // Round to fractional four decimal places. uint32 y = Round_uint32 (x * 10000.0); // Split into degrees and minutes. uint32 d = y / (60 * 10000); uint32 m = y % (60 * 10000); char min [32]; sprintf (min, "%.4f", m * (1.0 / 10000.0)); TrimDecimal (min); sprintf (s, "%u,%s%c", (unsigned) d, min, refChar); } result.Set (s); } } return result; } /*****************************************************************************/ void dng_xmp::DecodeGPSCoordinate (const dng_string &s, dng_string &ref, dng_urational *coord) { ref.Clear (); coord [0].Clear (); coord [1].Clear (); coord [2].Clear (); if (s.Length () > 1) { char refChar = ForceUppercase (s.Get () [s.Length () - 1]); if (refChar == 'N' || refChar == 'S' || refChar == 'E' || refChar == 'W') { dng_string ss (s); ss.Truncate (ss.Length () - 1); ss.NormalizeAsCommaSeparatedNumbers(); int degrees = 0; real64 minutes = 0.0; real64 seconds = 0.0; int count = sscanf (ss.Get (), "%d,%lf,%lf", °rees, &minutes, &seconds); if (count < 1) { return; } // The degree, minute, second values should always be positive. if (degrees < 0 || minutes < 0 || seconds < 0) { return; } coord [0] = dng_urational ((uint32) degrees, 1); if (count <= 2) { coord [1].Set_real64 (minutes, 10000); coord [2] = dng_urational (0, 1); } else { coord [1].Set_real64 (minutes, 1); coord [2].Set_real64 (seconds, 100); } char r [2]; r [0] = refChar; r [1] = 0; ref.Set (r); } } } /*****************************************************************************/ dng_string dng_xmp::EncodeGPSDateTime (const dng_string &dateStamp, const dng_urational *timeStamp) { dng_string result; if (timeStamp [0].IsValid () && timeStamp [1].IsValid () && timeStamp [2].IsValid ()) { char s [256]; char sec [32]; sprintf (sec, "%09.6f", timeStamp [2].As_real64 ()); TrimDecimal (sec); int year = 0; int month = 0; int day = 0; if (dateStamp.NotEmpty ()) { sscanf (dateStamp.Get (), "%d:%d:%d", &year, &month, &day); } if (year >= 1 && year <= 9999 && month >= 1 && month <= 12 && day >= 1 && day <= 31) { sprintf (s, "%04d-%02d-%02dT%02u:%02u:%sZ", year, month, day, (unsigned) Round_uint32 (timeStamp [0].As_real64 ()), (unsigned) Round_uint32 (timeStamp [1].As_real64 ()), sec); } else { sprintf (s, "%02u:%02u:%sZ", (unsigned) Round_uint32 (timeStamp [0].As_real64 ()), (unsigned) Round_uint32 (timeStamp [1].As_real64 ()), sec); } result.Set (s); } return result; } /*****************************************************************************/ void dng_xmp::DecodeGPSDateTime (const dng_string &s, dng_string &dateStamp, dng_urational *timeStamp) { dateStamp.Clear (); timeStamp [0].Clear (); timeStamp [1].Clear (); timeStamp [2].Clear (); if (s.NotEmpty ()) { unsigned year = 0; unsigned month = 0; unsigned day = 0; unsigned hour = 0; unsigned minute = 0; double second = 0.0; if (sscanf (s.Get (), "%u-%u-%uT%u:%u:%lf", &year, &month, &day, &hour, &minute, &second) == 6) { if (year >= 1 && year <= 9999 && month >= 1 && month <= 12 && day >= 1 && day <= 31 ) { char ss [64]; sprintf (ss, "%04u:%02u:%02u", year, month, day); dateStamp.Set (ss); } } else if (sscanf (s.Get (), "%u:%u:%lf", &hour, &minute, &second) != 3) { return; } timeStamp [0] = dng_urational ((uint32) hour , 1); timeStamp [1] = dng_urational ((uint32) minute, 1); timeStamp [2].Set_real64 (second, 1000); } } /*****************************************************************************/ void dng_xmp::Parse (dng_host &host, const void *buffer, uint32 count) { fSDK->Parse (host, (const char *) buffer, count); } /*****************************************************************************/ dng_memory_block * dng_xmp::Serialize (bool asPacket, uint32 targetBytes, uint32 padBytes, bool forJPEG, bool compact) const { return fSDK->Serialize (fAllocator, asPacket, targetBytes, padBytes, forJPEG, compact); } /*****************************************************************************/ void dng_xmp::PackageForJPEG (AutoPtr &stdBlock, AutoPtr &extBlock, dng_string &extDigest) const { fSDK->PackageForJPEG (fAllocator, stdBlock, extBlock, extDigest); } /*****************************************************************************/ void dng_xmp::MergeFromJPEG (const dng_xmp &xmp) { fSDK->MergeFromJPEG (xmp.fSDK); } /*****************************************************************************/ bool dng_xmp::HasMeta () const { return fSDK->HasMeta (); } /*****************************************************************************/ void * dng_xmp::GetPrivateMeta () { return fSDK->GetPrivateMeta (); } /*****************************************************************************/ bool dng_xmp::Exists (const char *ns, const char *path) const { return fSDK->Exists (ns, path); } /*****************************************************************************/ bool dng_xmp::HasNameSpace (const char *ns) const { return fSDK->HasNameSpace (ns); } /*****************************************************************************/ bool dng_xmp::IteratePaths (IteratePathsCallback *callback, void *callbackData, const char *ns, const char *path) { return fSDK->IteratePaths (callback, callbackData, ns, path); } /*****************************************************************************/ void dng_xmp::Remove (const char *ns, const char *path) { fSDK->Remove (ns, path); } /*****************************************************************************/ void dng_xmp::RemoveProperties (const char *ns) { fSDK->RemoveProperties (ns); } /*****************************************************************************/ void dng_xmp::RemoveEmptyStringOrArray (const char *ns, const char *path) { if (path == NULL || path [0] == 0) { return; } if (fSDK->IsEmptyString (ns, path) || fSDK->IsEmptyArray (ns, path)) { Remove (ns, path); } } /*****************************************************************************/ static bool RemoveEmptyStringsAndArraysCallback (const char *ns, const char *path, void *callbackData) { dng_xmp *xmp = (dng_xmp *) callbackData; xmp->RemoveEmptyStringOrArray (ns, path); return true; } /*****************************************************************************/ void dng_xmp::RemoveEmptyStringsAndArrays (const char *ns) { IteratePaths (RemoveEmptyStringsAndArraysCallback, (void *) this, ns, NULL); } /*****************************************************************************/ void dng_xmp::Set (const char *ns, const char *path, const char *text) { fSDK->Set (ns, path, text); } /*****************************************************************************/ bool dng_xmp::GetString (const char *ns, const char *path, dng_string &s) const { return fSDK->GetString (ns, path, s); } /*****************************************************************************/ void dng_xmp::SetString (const char *ns, const char *path, const dng_string &s) { fSDK->SetString (ns, path, s); } /*****************************************************************************/ bool dng_xmp::SyncString (const char *ns, const char *path, dng_string &s, uint32 options) { bool isDefault = s.IsEmpty (); // Sync 1: Force XMP to match non-XMP. if (options & ignoreXMP) { if (isDefault || (options & removeXMP)) { Remove (ns, path); } else { SetString (ns, path, s); } return false; } // Sync 2: From non-XMP to XMP if non-XMP is prefered. if ((options & preferNonXMP) && !isDefault) { if (options & removeXMP) { Remove (ns, path); } else { SetString (ns, path, s); } return false; } // Sync 3: From XMP to non-XMP if XMP is prefered or default non-XMP. if ((options & preferXMP) || isDefault) { if (GetString (ns, path, s)) { if (options & removeXMP) { Remove (ns, path); } return true; } } // Sync 4: From non-XMP to XMP. if (options & removeXMP) { Remove (ns, path); } else if (!isDefault) { SetString (ns, path, s); } return false; } /*****************************************************************************/ bool dng_xmp::GetStringList (const char *ns, const char *path, dng_string_list &list) const { return fSDK->GetStringList (ns, path, list); } /*****************************************************************************/ void dng_xmp::SetStringList (const char *ns, const char *path, const dng_string_list &list, bool isBag) { fSDK->SetStringList (ns, path, list, isBag); } /*****************************************************************************/ void dng_xmp::SyncStringList (const char *ns, const char *path, dng_string_list &list, bool isBag, uint32 options) { bool isDefault = (list.Count () == 0); // First make sure the XMP is not badly formatted, since // this breaks some Photoshop logic. ValidateStringList (ns, path); // Sync 1: Force XMP to match non-XMP. if (options & ignoreXMP) { if (isDefault) { Remove (ns, path); } else { SetStringList (ns, path, list, isBag); } return; } // Sync 2: From non-XMP to XMP if non-XMP is prefered. if ((options & preferNonXMP) && !isDefault) { SetStringList (ns, path, list, isBag); return; } // Sync 3: From XMP to non-XMP if XMP is prefered or default non-XMP. if ((options & preferXMP) || isDefault) { if (GetStringList (ns, path, list)) { return; } } // Sync 4: From non-XMP to XMP. if (!isDefault) { SetStringList (ns, path, list, isBag); } } /*****************************************************************************/ void dng_xmp::SetStructField (const char *ns, const char *path, const char *fieldNS, const char *fieldName, const dng_string &s) { dng_string ss (s); ss.SetLineEndings ('\n'); ss.StripLowASCII (); fSDK->SetStructField (ns, path, fieldNS, fieldName, ss.Get ()); } /*****************************************************************************/ void dng_xmp::SetStructField (const char *ns, const char *path, const char *fieldNS, const char *fieldName, const char *s) { fSDK->SetStructField (ns, path, fieldNS, fieldName, s); } /*****************************************************************************/ void dng_xmp::DeleteStructField (const char *ns, const char *path, const char *fieldNS, const char *fieldName) { fSDK->DeleteStructField (ns, path, fieldNS, fieldName); } /*****************************************************************************/ bool dng_xmp::GetStructField (const char *ns, const char *path, const char *fieldNS, const char *fieldName, dng_string &s) const { return fSDK->GetStructField (ns, path, fieldNS, fieldName, s); } /*****************************************************************************/ void dng_xmp::SetAltLangDefault (const char *ns, const char *path, const dng_string &s) { fSDK->SetAltLangDefault (ns, path, s); } /*****************************************************************************/ bool dng_xmp::GetAltLangDefault (const char *ns, const char *path, dng_string &s) const { return fSDK->GetAltLangDefault (ns, path, s); } /*****************************************************************************/ bool dng_xmp::SyncAltLangDefault (const char *ns, const char *path, dng_string &s, uint32 options) { bool isDefault = s.IsEmpty (); // Sync 1: Force XMP to match non-XMP. if (options & ignoreXMP) { if (isDefault) { Remove (ns, path); } else { SetAltLangDefault (ns, path, s); } return false; } // Sync 2: From non-XMP to XMP if non-XMP is prefered. if ((options & preferNonXMP) && !isDefault) { SetAltLangDefault (ns, path, s); return false; } // Sync 3: From XMP to non-XMP if XMP is prefered or default non-XMP. if ((options & preferXMP) || isDefault) { if (GetAltLangDefault (ns, path, s)) { return true; } } // Sync 4: From non-XMP to XMP. if (!isDefault) { SetAltLangDefault (ns, path, s); } return false; } /*****************************************************************************/ bool dng_xmp::GetBoolean (const char *ns, const char *path, bool &x) const { dng_string s; if (GetString (ns, path, s)) { if (s.Matches ("True")) { x = true; return true; } if (s.Matches ("False")) { x = false; return true; } } return false; } /*****************************************************************************/ void dng_xmp::SetBoolean (const char *ns, const char *path, bool x) { Set (ns, path, x ? "True" : "False"); } /*****************************************************************************/ bool dng_xmp::Get_int32 (const char *ns, const char *path, int32 &x) const { dng_string s; if (GetString (ns, path, s)) { if (s.NotEmpty ()) { int y = 0; if (sscanf (s.Get (), "%d", &y) == 1) { x = y; return true; } } } return false; } /*****************************************************************************/ void dng_xmp::Set_int32 (const char *ns, const char *path, int32 x, bool usePlus) { char s [64]; if (x > 0 && usePlus) { sprintf (s, "+%d", (int) x); } else { sprintf (s, "%d", (int) x); } Set (ns, path, s); } /*****************************************************************************/ bool dng_xmp::Get_uint32 (const char *ns, const char *path, uint32 &x) const { dng_string s; if (GetString (ns, path, s)) { if (s.NotEmpty ()) { unsigned y = 0; if (sscanf (s.Get (), "%u", &y) == 1) { x = y; return true; } } } return false; } /*****************************************************************************/ void dng_xmp::Set_uint32 (const char *ns, const char *path, uint32 x) { char s [64]; sprintf (s, "%u", (unsigned) x); Set (ns, path, s); } /*****************************************************************************/ void dng_xmp::Sync_uint32 (const char *ns, const char *path, uint32 &x, bool isDefault, uint32 options) { // Sync 1: Force XMP to match non-XMP. if (options & ignoreXMP) { if (isDefault || (options & removeXMP)) { Remove (ns, path); } else { Set_uint32 (ns, path, x); } return; } // Sync 2: From non-XMP to XMP if non-XMP is prefered. if ((options & preferNonXMP) && !isDefault) { if (options & removeXMP) { Remove (ns, path); } else { Set_uint32 (ns, path, x); } return; } // Sync 3: From XMP to non-XMP if XMP is prefered or default non-XMP. if ((options & preferXMP) || isDefault) { if (Get_uint32 (ns, path, x)) { if (options & removeXMP) { Remove (ns, path); } return; } } // Sync 4: From non-XMP to XMP. if (options & removeXMP) { Remove (ns, path); } else if (!isDefault) { Set_uint32 (ns, path, x); } } /*****************************************************************************/ void dng_xmp::Sync_uint32_array (const char *ns, const char *path, uint32 *data, uint32 &count, uint32 maxCount, uint32 options) { dng_string_list list; for (uint32 j = 0; j < count; j++) { char s [32]; sprintf (s, "%u", (unsigned) data [j]); dng_string ss; ss.Set (s); list.Append (ss); } SyncStringList (ns, path, list, false, options); count = 0; for (uint32 k = 0; k < maxCount; k++) { data [k] = 0; if (k < list.Count ()) { unsigned x = 0; if (sscanf (list [k].Get (), "%u", &x) == 1) { data [count++] = x; } } } } /*****************************************************************************/ bool dng_xmp::Get_real64 (const char *ns, const char *path, real64 &x) const { dng_string s; if (GetString (ns, path, s)) { if (s.NotEmpty ()) { double y = 0; if (sscanf (s.Get (), "%lf", &y) == 1) { x = y; return true; } } } return false; } /*****************************************************************************/ void dng_xmp::Set_real64 (const char *ns, const char *path, real64 x, uint32 places, bool trim, bool usePlus) { char s [64]; if (x > 0.0 && usePlus) { sprintf (s, "+%0.*f", (unsigned) places, (double) x); } else { sprintf (s, "%0.*f", (unsigned) places, (double) x); } if (trim) { while (s [strlen (s) - 1] == '0') { s [strlen (s) - 1] = 0; } if (s [strlen (s) - 1] == '.') { s [strlen (s) - 1] = 0; } } Set (ns, path, s); } /*****************************************************************************/ bool dng_xmp::Get_urational (const char *ns, const char *path, dng_urational &r) const { dng_string s; if (GetString (ns, path, s)) { if (s.NotEmpty ()) { unsigned n = 0; unsigned d = 0; if (sscanf (s.Get (), "%u/%u", &n, &d) == 2) { if (d != 0) { r = dng_urational (n, d); return true; } } } } return false; } /*****************************************************************************/ void dng_xmp::Set_urational (const char *ns, const char *path, const dng_urational &r) { char s [64]; sprintf (s, "%u/%u", (unsigned) r.n, (unsigned) r.d); Set (ns, path, s); } /*****************************************************************************/ void dng_xmp::Sync_urational (const char *ns, const char *path, dng_urational &r, uint32 options) { bool isDefault = r.NotValid (); // Sync 1: Force XMP to match non-XMP. if (options & ignoreXMP) { if (isDefault || (options & removeXMP)) { Remove (ns, path); } else { Set_urational (ns, path, r); } return; } // Sync 2: From non-XMP to XMP if non-XMP is prefered. if ((options & preferNonXMP) && !isDefault) { if (options & removeXMP) { Remove (ns, path); } else { Set_urational (ns, path, r); } return; } // Sync 3: From XMP to non-XMP if XMP is prefered or default non-XMP. if ((options & preferXMP) || isDefault) { if (Get_urational (ns, path, r)) { if (options & removeXMP) { Remove (ns, path); } return; } } // Sync 4: From non-XMP to XMP. if (options & removeXMP) { Remove (ns, path); } else if (!isDefault) { Set_urational (ns, path, r); } } /*****************************************************************************/ bool dng_xmp::Get_srational (const char *ns, const char *path, dng_srational &r) const { dng_string s; if (GetString (ns, path, s)) { if (s.NotEmpty ()) { int n = 0; int d = 0; if (sscanf (s.Get (), "%d/%d", &n, &d) == 2) { if (d != 0) { r = dng_srational (n, d); return true; } } } } return false; } /*****************************************************************************/ void dng_xmp::Set_srational (const char *ns, const char *path, const dng_srational &r) { char s [64]; sprintf (s, "%d/%d", (int) r.n, (int) r.d); Set (ns, path, s); } /*****************************************************************************/ void dng_xmp::Sync_srational (const char *ns, const char *path, dng_srational &r, uint32 options) { bool isDefault = r.NotValid (); // Sync 1: Force XMP to match non-XMP. if (options & ignoreXMP) { if (isDefault || (options & removeXMP)) { Remove (ns, path); } else { Set_srational (ns, path, r); } return; } // Sync 2: From non-XMP to XMP if non-XMP is prefered. if ((options & preferNonXMP) && !isDefault) { if (options & removeXMP) { Remove (ns, path); } else { Set_srational (ns, path, r); } return; } // Sync 3: From XMP to non-XMP if XMP is prefered or default non-XMP. if ((options & preferXMP) || isDefault) { if (Get_srational (ns, path, r)) { if (options & removeXMP) { Remove (ns, path); } return; } } // Sync 4: From non-XMP to XMP. if (options & removeXMP) { Remove (ns, path); } else if (!isDefault) { Set_srational (ns, path, r); } } /*****************************************************************************/ bool dng_xmp::GetFingerprint (const char *ns, const char *path, dng_fingerprint &print) const { dng_string s; if (GetString (ns, path, s)) { dng_fingerprint temp = DecodeFingerprint (s); if (temp.IsValid ()) { print = temp; return true; } } return false; } /******************************************************************************/ void dng_xmp::SetFingerprint (const char *ns, const char *tag, const dng_fingerprint &print, bool allowInvalid) { dng_string s = EncodeFingerprint (print, allowInvalid); if (s.IsEmpty ()) { Remove (ns, tag); } else { SetString (ns, tag, s); } } /******************************************************************************/ void dng_xmp::SetVersion2to4 (const char *ns, const char *path, uint32 version) { char buf [32]; if (version & 0x000000ff) { // x.x.x.x sprintf (buf, "%u.%u.%u.%u", (unsigned) ((version >> 24) & 0xff), (unsigned) ((version >> 16) & 0xff), (unsigned) ((version >> 8) & 0xff), (unsigned) ((version ) & 0xff)); } else if (version & 0x0000ff00) { // x.x.x sprintf (buf, "%u.%u.%u", (unsigned) ((version >> 24) & 0xff), (unsigned) ((version >> 16) & 0xff), (unsigned) ((version >> 8) & 0xff)); } else { // x.x sprintf (buf, "%u.%u", (unsigned) ((version >> 24) & 0xff), (unsigned) ((version >> 16) & 0xff)); } Set (ns, path, buf); } /******************************************************************************/ dng_fingerprint dng_xmp::GetIPTCDigest () const { dng_fingerprint digest; if (GetFingerprint (XMP_NS_PHOTOSHOP, "LegacyIPTCDigest", digest)) { return digest; } return dng_fingerprint (); } /******************************************************************************/ void dng_xmp::SetIPTCDigest (dng_fingerprint &digest) { SetFingerprint (XMP_NS_PHOTOSHOP, "LegacyIPTCDigest", digest); } /******************************************************************************/ void dng_xmp::ClearIPTCDigest () { Remove (XMP_NS_PHOTOSHOP, "LegacyIPTCDigest"); } /*****************************************************************************/ void dng_xmp::SyncIPTC (dng_iptc &iptc, uint32 options) { SyncAltLangDefault (XMP_NS_DC, "title", iptc.fTitle, options); SyncString (XMP_NS_PHOTOSHOP, "Category", iptc.fCategory, options); { uint32 x = 0xFFFFFFFF; if (iptc.fUrgency >= 0) { x = (uint32) iptc.fUrgency; } Sync_uint32 (XMP_NS_PHOTOSHOP, "Urgency", x, x == 0xFFFFFFFF, options); if (x <= 9) { iptc.fUrgency = (int32) x; } } SyncStringList (XMP_NS_PHOTOSHOP, "SupplementalCategories", iptc.fSupplementalCategories, true, options); SyncStringList (XMP_NS_PHOTOSHOP, "Keywords", iptc.fKeywords, true, options); SyncString (XMP_NS_PHOTOSHOP, "Instructions", iptc.fInstructions, options); { dng_string s = iptc.fDateTimeCreated.Encode_ISO_8601 (); if (SyncString (XMP_NS_PHOTOSHOP, "DateCreated", s, options)) { iptc.fDateTimeCreated.Decode_ISO_8601 (s.Get ()); } } { dng_string s = iptc.fDigitalCreationDateTime.Encode_ISO_8601 (); if (SyncString (XMP_NS_EXIF, "DateTimeDigitized", s, options)) { iptc.fDigitalCreationDateTime.Decode_ISO_8601 (s.Get ()); } } SyncStringList (XMP_NS_DC, "creator", iptc.fAuthors, false, options); SyncString (XMP_NS_PHOTOSHOP, "AuthorsPosition", iptc.fAuthorsPosition, options); SyncString (XMP_NS_PHOTOSHOP, "City", iptc.fCity, options); SyncString (XMP_NS_PHOTOSHOP, "State", iptc.fState, options); SyncString (XMP_NS_PHOTOSHOP, "Country", iptc.fCountry, options); SyncString (XMP_NS_IPTC, "CountryCode", iptc.fCountryCode, options); SyncString (XMP_NS_IPTC, "Location", iptc.fLocation, options); SyncString (XMP_NS_PHOTOSHOP, "TransmissionReference", iptc.fTransmissionReference, options); SyncString (XMP_NS_PHOTOSHOP, "Headline", iptc.fHeadline, options); SyncString (XMP_NS_PHOTOSHOP, "Credit", iptc.fCredit, options); SyncString (XMP_NS_PHOTOSHOP, "Source", iptc.fSource, options); SyncAltLangDefault (XMP_NS_DC, "rights", iptc.fCopyrightNotice, options); SyncAltLangDefault (XMP_NS_DC, "description", iptc.fDescription, options); SyncString (XMP_NS_PHOTOSHOP, "CaptionWriter", iptc.fDescriptionWriter, options); } /*****************************************************************************/ void dng_xmp::IngestIPTC (dng_metadata &metadata, bool xmpIsNewer) { if (metadata.IPTCLength ()) { // Parse the IPTC block. dng_iptc iptc; iptc.Parse (metadata.IPTCData (), metadata.IPTCLength (), metadata.IPTCOffset ()); // Compute fingerprint of IPTC data both ways, including and // excluding the padding data. dng_fingerprint iptcDigest1 = metadata.IPTCDigest (true ); dng_fingerprint iptcDigest2 = metadata.IPTCDigest (false); // See if there is an IPTC fingerprint stored in the XMP. dng_fingerprint xmpDigest = GetIPTCDigest (); if (xmpDigest.IsValid ()) { // If they match, the XMP was already synced with this // IPTC block, and we should not resync since it might // overwrite changes in the XMP data. if (iptcDigest1 == xmpDigest) { return; } // If it matches the incorrectly computed digest, skip // the sync, but fix the digest in the XMP. if (iptcDigest2 == xmpDigest) { SetIPTCDigest (iptcDigest1); return; } // Else the IPTC has changed, so force an update. xmpIsNewer = false; } else { // There is no IPTC digest. Previously we would // prefer the IPTC in this case, but the MWG suggests // that we prefer the XMP in this case. xmpIsNewer = true; } // Remember the fingerprint of the IPTC we are syncing with. SetIPTCDigest (iptcDigest1); // Find the sync options. uint32 options = xmpIsNewer ? preferXMP : preferNonXMP; // Synchronize the fields. SyncIPTC (iptc, options); } // After the IPTC data is moved to XMP, we don't need it anymore. metadata.ClearIPTC (); } /*****************************************************************************/ void dng_xmp::RebuildIPTC (dng_metadata &metadata, dng_memory_allocator &allocator, bool padForTIFF) { // If there is no XMP, then there is no IPTC. if (!fSDK->HasMeta ()) { return; } // Extract the legacy IPTC fields from the XMP data. dng_iptc iptc; SyncIPTC (iptc, preferXMP); // Build legacy IPTC record if (iptc.NotEmpty ()) { AutoPtr block (iptc.Spool (allocator, padForTIFF)); metadata.SetIPTC (block); } } /*****************************************************************************/ void dng_xmp::SyncFlash (uint32 &flashState, uint32 &flashMask, uint32 options) { bool isDefault = (flashState == 0xFFFFFFFF); if ((options & ignoreXMP) || !isDefault) { Remove (XMP_NS_EXIF, "Flash"); } if (!isDefault) { fSDK->SetStructField (XMP_NS_EXIF, "Flash", XMP_NS_EXIF, "Fired", (flashState & 0x1) ? "True" : "False"); if (((flashMask >> 1) & 3) == 3) { char s [8]; sprintf (s, "%u", (unsigned) ((flashState >> 1) & 3)); fSDK->SetStructField (XMP_NS_EXIF, "Flash", XMP_NS_EXIF, "Return", s); } if (((flashMask >> 3) & 3) == 3) { char s [8]; sprintf (s, "%u", (unsigned) ((flashState >> 3) & 3)); fSDK->SetStructField (XMP_NS_EXIF, "Flash", XMP_NS_EXIF, "Mode", s); } if ((flashMask & (1 << 5)) != 0) { fSDK->SetStructField (XMP_NS_EXIF, "Flash", XMP_NS_EXIF, "Function", (flashState & (1 << 5)) ? "True" : "False"); } if ((flashMask & (1 << 6)) != 0) { fSDK->SetStructField (XMP_NS_EXIF, "Flash", XMP_NS_EXIF, "RedEyeMode", (flashState & (1 << 6)) ? "True" : "False"); } } else if (fSDK->Exists (XMP_NS_EXIF, "Flash")) { dng_string s; if (fSDK->GetStructField (XMP_NS_EXIF, "Flash", XMP_NS_EXIF, "Fired", s)) { flashState = 0; flashMask = 1; if (s.Matches ("True")) { flashState |= 1; } if (fSDK->GetStructField (XMP_NS_EXIF, "Flash", XMP_NS_EXIF, "Return", s)) { unsigned x = 0; if (sscanf (s.Get (), "%u", &x) == 1 && x <= 3) { flashState |= x << 1; flashMask |= 3 << 1; } } if (fSDK->GetStructField (XMP_NS_EXIF, "Flash", XMP_NS_EXIF, "Mode", s)) { unsigned x = 0; if (sscanf (s.Get (), "%u", &x) == 1 && x <= 3) { flashState |= x << 3; flashMask |= 3 << 3; } } if (fSDK->GetStructField (XMP_NS_EXIF, "Flash", XMP_NS_EXIF, "Function", s)) { flashMask |= 1 << 5; if (s.Matches ("True")) { flashState |= 1 << 5; } } if (fSDK->GetStructField (XMP_NS_EXIF, "Flash", XMP_NS_EXIF, "RedEyeMode", s)) { flashMask |= 1 << 6; if (s.Matches ("True")) { flashState |= 1 << 6; } } } } } /*****************************************************************************/ void dng_xmp::SyncExif (dng_exif &exif, const dng_exif *originalExif, bool doingUpdateFromXMP, bool removeFromXMP) { DNG_ASSERT (!doingUpdateFromXMP || originalExif, "Must have original EXIF if doingUpdateFromXMP"); // Default synchronization options for the read-only fields. uint32 readOnly = doingUpdateFromXMP ? ignoreXMP : preferNonXMP; // Option for removable fields. uint32 removable = removeFromXMP ? removeXMP : 0; // Make: SyncString (XMP_NS_TIFF, "Make", exif.fMake, readOnly + removable); // Model: SyncString (XMP_NS_TIFF, "Model", exif.fModel, readOnly + removable); // Exif version number: { dng_string exifVersion; if (exif.fExifVersion) { unsigned b0 = ((exif.fExifVersion >> 24) & 0x0FF) - '0'; unsigned b1 = ((exif.fExifVersion >> 16) & 0x0FF) - '0'; unsigned b2 = ((exif.fExifVersion >> 8) & 0x0FF) - '0'; unsigned b3 = ((exif.fExifVersion ) & 0x0FF) - '0'; if (b0 <= 9 && b1 <= 9 && b2 <= 9 && b3 <= 9) { char s [5]; sprintf (s, "%1u%1u%1u%1u", b0, b1, b2, b3); exifVersion.Set (s); } } SyncString (XMP_NS_EXIF, "ExifVersion", exifVersion, readOnly); if (exifVersion.NotEmpty ()) { unsigned b0; unsigned b1; unsigned b2; unsigned b3; if (sscanf (exifVersion.Get (), "%1u%1u%1u%1u", &b0, &b1, &b2, &b3) == 4) { if (b0 <= 9 && b1 <= 9 && b2 <= 9 && b3 <= 9) { b0 += '0'; b1 += '0'; b2 += '0'; b3 += '0'; exif.fExifVersion = (b0 << 24) | (b1 << 16) | (b2 << 8) | (b3 ); } } } // Provide default value for ExifVersion. if (!exif.fExifVersion) { exif.fExifVersion = DNG_CHAR4 ('0','2','2','1'); Set (XMP_NS_EXIF, "ExifVersion", "0221"); } if (removeFromXMP) { Remove (XMP_NS_EXIF, "ExifVersion"); } } // ExposureTime / ShutterSpeedValue: { // Process twice in case XMP contains only one of the // two fields. for (uint32 pass = 0; pass < 2; pass++) { dng_urational et = exif.fExposureTime; Sync_urational (XMP_NS_EXIF, "ExposureTime", et, readOnly); if (et.IsValid ()) { exif.SetExposureTime (et.As_real64 (), false); } dng_srational ss = exif.fShutterSpeedValue; Sync_srational (XMP_NS_EXIF, "ShutterSpeedValue", ss, readOnly); if (ss.IsValid ()) { exif.SetShutterSpeedValue (ss.As_real64 ()); } } if (removeFromXMP) { Remove (XMP_NS_EXIF, "ExposureTime"); Remove (XMP_NS_EXIF, "ShutterSpeedValue"); } } // FNumber / ApertureValue: { for (uint32 pass = 0; pass < 2; pass++) { dng_urational fs = exif.fFNumber; Sync_urational (XMP_NS_EXIF, "FNumber", fs, readOnly); if (fs.IsValid ()) { exif.SetFNumber (fs.As_real64 ()); } dng_urational av = exif.fApertureValue; Sync_urational (XMP_NS_EXIF, "ApertureValue", av, readOnly); if (av.IsValid ()) { exif.SetApertureValue (av.As_real64 ()); } } if (removeFromXMP) { Remove (XMP_NS_EXIF, "FNumber"); Remove (XMP_NS_EXIF, "ApertureValue"); } } // Exposure program: Sync_uint32 (XMP_NS_EXIF, "ExposureProgram", exif.fExposureProgram, exif.fExposureProgram == 0xFFFFFFFF, readOnly + removable); // ISO Speed Ratings: { uint32 isoSpeedRatingsCount = 0; uint32 isoSpeedRatingsOptions = readOnly; uint32 oldISOSpeedRatings [3]; memcpy (oldISOSpeedRatings, exif.fISOSpeedRatings, sizeof (oldISOSpeedRatings)); bool checkXMPForHigherISO = false; for (uint32 j = 0; j < 3; j++) { // Special case: the EXIF 2.2x standard represents ISO speed ratings with // 2 bytes, which cannot hold ISO speed ratings above 65535 (e.g., // 102400). If the EXIF ISO speed rating value is 65535, prefer the XMP // ISOSpeedRatings tag value. if (exif.fISOSpeedRatings [j] == 65535) { isoSpeedRatingsOptions = preferXMP; checkXMPForHigherISO = true; isoSpeedRatingsCount = 0; break; } else if (exif.fISOSpeedRatings [j] == 0) { break; } isoSpeedRatingsCount++; } Sync_uint32_array (XMP_NS_EXIF, "ISOSpeedRatings", exif.fISOSpeedRatings, isoSpeedRatingsCount, 3, isoSpeedRatingsOptions); // If the EXIF ISO was 65535 and we failed to find anything meaningful in the // XMP, then we fall back to the EXIF ISO. if (checkXMPForHigherISO && (isoSpeedRatingsCount == 0)) { memcpy (exif.fISOSpeedRatings, oldISOSpeedRatings, sizeof (oldISOSpeedRatings)); } // Only remove the ISO tag if there are not ratings over 65535. if (removeFromXMP) { bool hasHighISO = false; for (uint32 j = 0; j < 3; j++) { if (exif.fISOSpeedRatings [j] == 0) { break; } hasHighISO = hasHighISO || (exif.fISOSpeedRatings [j] > 65535); } if (!hasHighISO) { Remove (XMP_NS_EXIF, "ISOSpeedRatings"); } } } // SensitivityType: Sync_uint32 (XMP_NS_EXIF, "SensitivityType", exif.fSensitivityType, exif.fSensitivityType == stUnknown, readOnly + removable); // StandardOutputSensitivity: Sync_uint32 (XMP_NS_EXIF, "StandardOutputSensitivity", exif.fStandardOutputSensitivity, exif.fStandardOutputSensitivity == 0, readOnly + removable); // RecommendedExposureIndex: Sync_uint32 (XMP_NS_EXIF, "RecommendedExposureIndex", exif.fRecommendedExposureIndex, exif.fRecommendedExposureIndex == 0, readOnly + removable); // ISOSpeed: Sync_uint32 (XMP_NS_EXIF, "ISOSpeed", exif.fISOSpeed, exif.fISOSpeed == 0, readOnly + removable); // ISOSpeedLatitudeyyy: Sync_uint32 (XMP_NS_EXIF, "ISOSpeedLatitudeyyy", exif.fISOSpeedLatitudeyyy, exif.fISOSpeedLatitudeyyy == 0, readOnly + removable); // ISOSpeedLatitudezzz: Sync_uint32 (XMP_NS_EXIF, "ISOSpeedLatitudezzz", exif.fISOSpeedLatitudezzz, exif.fISOSpeedLatitudezzz == 0, readOnly + removable); // ExposureIndex: Sync_urational (XMP_NS_EXIF, "ExposureIndex", exif.fExposureIndex, readOnly + removable); // Brightness Value: Sync_srational (XMP_NS_EXIF, "BrightnessValue", exif.fBrightnessValue, readOnly + removable); // Exposure Bias: Sync_srational (XMP_NS_EXIF, "ExposureBiasValue", exif.fExposureBiasValue, readOnly + removable); // Max Aperture: Sync_urational (XMP_NS_EXIF, "MaxApertureValue", exif.fMaxApertureValue, readOnly + removable); // Subject Distance: Sync_urational (XMP_NS_EXIF, "SubjectDistance", exif.fSubjectDistance, readOnly + removable); // Metering Mode: Sync_uint32 (XMP_NS_EXIF, "MeteringMode", exif.fMeteringMode, exif.fMeteringMode == 0xFFFFFFFF, readOnly + removable); // Light Source: Sync_uint32 (XMP_NS_EXIF, "LightSource", exif.fLightSource, exif.fLightSource > 0x0FFFF, readOnly + removable); // Flash State: SyncFlash (exif.fFlash, exif.fFlashMask, readOnly); if (removeFromXMP) { Remove (XMP_NS_EXIF, "Flash"); } // Focal Length: Sync_urational (XMP_NS_EXIF, "FocalLength", exif.fFocalLength, readOnly + removable); // Sensing Method. Sync_uint32 (XMP_NS_EXIF, "SensingMethod", exif.fSensingMethod, exif.fSensingMethod > 0x0FFFF, readOnly + removable); // File Source. Sync_uint32 (XMP_NS_EXIF, "FileSource", exif.fFileSource, exif.fFileSource > 0x0FF, readOnly + removable); // Scene Type. Sync_uint32 (XMP_NS_EXIF, "SceneType", exif.fSceneType, exif.fSceneType > 0x0FF, readOnly + removable); // Focal Length in 35mm Film: Sync_uint32 (XMP_NS_EXIF, "FocalLengthIn35mmFilm", exif.fFocalLengthIn35mmFilm, exif.fFocalLengthIn35mmFilm == 0, readOnly + removable); // Custom Rendered: Sync_uint32 (XMP_NS_EXIF, "CustomRendered", exif.fCustomRendered, exif.fCustomRendered > 0x0FFFF, readOnly + removable); // Exposure Mode: Sync_uint32 (XMP_NS_EXIF, "ExposureMode", exif.fExposureMode, exif.fExposureMode > 0x0FFFF, readOnly + removable); // White Balance: Sync_uint32 (XMP_NS_EXIF, "WhiteBalance", exif.fWhiteBalance, exif.fWhiteBalance > 0x0FFFF, readOnly + removable); // Scene Capture Type: Sync_uint32 (XMP_NS_EXIF, "SceneCaptureType", exif.fSceneCaptureType, exif.fSceneCaptureType > 0x0FFFF, readOnly + removable); // Gain Control: Sync_uint32 (XMP_NS_EXIF, "GainControl", exif.fGainControl, exif.fGainControl > 0x0FFFF, readOnly + removable); // Contrast: Sync_uint32 (XMP_NS_EXIF, "Contrast", exif.fContrast, exif.fContrast > 0x0FFFF, readOnly + removable); // Saturation: Sync_uint32 (XMP_NS_EXIF, "Saturation", exif.fSaturation, exif.fSaturation > 0x0FFFF, readOnly + removable); // Sharpness: Sync_uint32 (XMP_NS_EXIF, "Sharpness", exif.fSharpness, exif.fSharpness > 0x0FFFF, readOnly + removable); // Subject Distance Range: Sync_uint32 (XMP_NS_EXIF, "SubjectDistanceRange", exif.fSubjectDistanceRange, exif.fSubjectDistanceRange > 0x0FFFF, readOnly + removable); // Subject Area: Sync_uint32_array (XMP_NS_EXIF, "SubjectArea", exif.fSubjectArea, exif.fSubjectAreaCount, sizeof (exif.fSubjectArea ) / sizeof (exif.fSubjectArea [0]), readOnly); if (removeFromXMP) { Remove (XMP_NS_EXIF, "SubjectArea"); } // Digital Zoom Ratio: Sync_urational (XMP_NS_EXIF, "DigitalZoomRatio", exif.fDigitalZoomRatio, readOnly + removable); // Focal Plane Resolution: Sync_urational (XMP_NS_EXIF, "FocalPlaneXResolution", exif.fFocalPlaneXResolution, readOnly + removable); Sync_urational (XMP_NS_EXIF, "FocalPlaneYResolution", exif.fFocalPlaneYResolution, readOnly + removable); Sync_uint32 (XMP_NS_EXIF, "FocalPlaneResolutionUnit", exif.fFocalPlaneResolutionUnit, exif.fFocalPlaneResolutionUnit > 0x0FFFF, readOnly + removable); // ImageDescription: (XMP is is always preferred) if (fSDK->GetAltLangDefault (XMP_NS_DC, "description", exif.fImageDescription)) { } else if (doingUpdateFromXMP) { exif.fImageDescription.Clear (); if (originalExif->fImageDescription.NotEmpty ()) { fSDK->SetAltLangDefault (XMP_NS_DC, "description", dng_string ()); } } else if (exif.fImageDescription.NotEmpty ()) { fSDK->SetAltLangDefault (XMP_NS_DC, "description", exif.fImageDescription); } // Artist: (XMP is is always preferred) { dng_string_list xmpList; if (fSDK->GetStringList (XMP_NS_DC, "creator", xmpList)) { exif.fArtist.Clear (); if (xmpList.Count () > 0) { uint32 j; uint32 bufferSize = xmpList.Count () * 4 + 1; for (j = 0; j < xmpList.Count (); j++) { bufferSize += xmpList [j].Length () * 2; } dng_memory_data temp (bufferSize); char *t = temp.Buffer_char (); for (j = 0; j < xmpList.Count (); j++) { const char *s = xmpList [j].Get (); bool needQuotes = xmpList [j].Contains ("; ") || s [0] == '\"'; if (needQuotes) { *(t++) = '\"'; } while (s [0] != 0) { if (s [0] == '\"' && needQuotes) { *(t++) = '\"'; } *(t++) = *(s++); } if (needQuotes) { *(t++) = '\"'; } if (j != xmpList.Count () - 1) { *(t++) = ';'; *(t++) = ' '; } else { *t = 0; } } exif.fArtist.Set (temp.Buffer_char ()); } } else if (doingUpdateFromXMP) { exif.fArtist.Clear (); if (originalExif->fArtist.NotEmpty ()) { dng_string_list fakeList; fakeList.Append (dng_string ()); SetStringList (XMP_NS_DC, "creator", fakeList, false); } } else if (exif.fArtist.NotEmpty ()) { dng_string_list newList; dng_memory_data temp (exif.fArtist.Length () + 1); const char *s = exif.fArtist.Get (); char *t = temp.Buffer_char (); bool first = true; bool quoted = false; bool valid = true; while (s [0] != 0 && valid) { if (first) { if (s [0] == '\"') { quoted = true; s++; } } first = false; if (quoted) { if (s [0] == '\"' && s [1] == '\"') { s+= 2; *(t++) = '\"'; } else if (s [0] == '\"') { s++; quoted = false; valid = valid && ((s [0] == 0) || ((s [0] == ';' && s [1] == ' '))); } else { *(t++) = *(s++); } } else if (s [0] == ';' && s [1] == ' ') { s += 2; t [0] = 0; dng_string ss; ss.Set (temp.Buffer_char ()); newList.Append (ss); t = temp.Buffer_char (); first = true; } else { *(t++) = *(s++); } } if (quoted) { valid = false; } if (valid) { if (t != temp.Buffer_char ()) { t [0] = 0; dng_string ss; ss.Set (temp.Buffer_char ()); newList.Append (ss); } } else { newList.Clear (); newList.Append (exif.fArtist); } SetStringList (XMP_NS_DC, "creator", newList, false); } } // Software: (XMP is is always preferred) if (fSDK->GetString (XMP_NS_XAP, "CreatorTool", exif.fSoftware)) { } else if (doingUpdateFromXMP) { exif.fSoftware.Clear (); if (originalExif->fSoftware.NotEmpty ()) { fSDK->SetString (XMP_NS_XAP, "CreatorTool", dng_string ()); } } else if (exif.fSoftware.NotEmpty ()) { fSDK->SetString (XMP_NS_XAP, "CreatorTool", exif.fSoftware); } // Copyright: (XMP is is always preferred) if (fSDK->GetAltLangDefault (XMP_NS_DC, "rights", exif.fCopyright)) { } else if (doingUpdateFromXMP) { exif.fCopyright.Clear (); if (originalExif->fCopyright.NotEmpty ()) { fSDK->SetAltLangDefault (XMP_NS_DC, "rights", dng_string ()); } } else if (exif.fCopyright.NotEmpty ()) { fSDK->SetAltLangDefault (XMP_NS_DC, "rights", exif.fCopyright); } // Camera serial number private tag: SyncString (XMP_NS_AUX, "SerialNumber", exif.fCameraSerialNumber, readOnly); // Lens Info: { dng_string s; if (exif.fLensInfo [0].IsValid ()) { char ss [256]; sprintf (ss, "%u/%u %u/%u %u/%u %u/%u", (unsigned) exif.fLensInfo [0].n, (unsigned) exif.fLensInfo [0].d, (unsigned) exif.fLensInfo [1].n, (unsigned) exif.fLensInfo [1].d, (unsigned) exif.fLensInfo [2].n, (unsigned) exif.fLensInfo [2].d, (unsigned) exif.fLensInfo [3].n, (unsigned) exif.fLensInfo [3].d); s.Set (ss); } SyncString (XMP_NS_AUX, "LensInfo", s, readOnly); if (s.NotEmpty ()) { unsigned n [4]; unsigned d [4]; if (sscanf (s.Get (), "%u/%u %u/%u %u/%u %u/%u", &n [0], &d [0], &n [1], &d [1], &n [2], &d [2], &n [3], &d [3]) == 8) { for (uint32 j = 0; j < 4; j++) { exif.fLensInfo [j] = dng_urational (n [j], d [j]); } } } } // Lens name: { // EXIF lens names are sometimes missing or wrong (esp. when non-OEM lenses // are used). So prefer the value from XMP. SyncString (XMP_NS_AUX, "Lens", exif.fLensName, preferXMP); // Generate default lens name from lens info if required. // Ignore names names that end in "f/0.0" due to third party bug. if ((exif.fLensName.IsEmpty () || exif.fLensName.EndsWith ("f/0.0")) && exif.fLensInfo [0].IsValid ()) { char s [256]; real64 minFL = exif.fLensInfo [0].As_real64 (); real64 maxFL = exif.fLensInfo [1].As_real64 (); // The f-stop numbers are optional. if (exif.fLensInfo [2].IsValid ()) { real64 minFS = exif.fLensInfo [2].As_real64 (); real64 maxFS = exif.fLensInfo [3].As_real64 (); if (minFL == maxFL) sprintf (s, "%.1f mm f/%.1f", minFL, minFS); else if (minFS == maxFS) sprintf (s, "%.1f-%.1f mm f/%.1f", minFL, maxFL, minFS); else sprintf (s, "%.1f-%.1f mm f/%.1f-%.1f", minFL, maxFL, minFS, maxFS); } else { if (minFL == maxFL) sprintf (s, "%.1f mm", minFL); else sprintf (s, "%.1f-%.1f mm", minFL, maxFL); } exif.fLensName.Set (s); SetString (XMP_NS_AUX, "Lens", exif.fLensName); } } // Lens ID: SyncString (XMP_NS_AUX, "LensID", exif.fLensID, readOnly); // Lens Make: SyncString (XMP_NS_EXIF, "LensMake", exif.fLensMake, readOnly + removable); // Lens Serial Number: SyncString (XMP_NS_AUX, "LensSerialNumber", exif.fLensSerialNumber, readOnly); // Image Number: Sync_uint32 (XMP_NS_AUX, "ImageNumber", exif.fImageNumber, exif.fImageNumber == 0xFFFFFFFF, readOnly); // User Comment: if (exif.fUserComment.NotEmpty ()) { fSDK->SetAltLangDefault (XMP_NS_EXIF, "UserComment", exif.fUserComment); } else { (void) fSDK->GetAltLangDefault (XMP_NS_EXIF, "UserComment", exif.fUserComment); } if (removeFromXMP) { Remove (XMP_NS_EXIF, "UserComment"); } // Approximate focus distance: SyncApproximateFocusDistance (exif, readOnly); // Flash Compensation: Sync_srational (XMP_NS_AUX, "FlashCompensation", exif.fFlashCompensation, readOnly); // Owner Name: (allow XMP updates) SyncString (XMP_NS_AUX, "OwnerName", exif.fOwnerName, preferXMP); // Firmware: SyncString (XMP_NS_AUX, "Firmware", exif.fFirmware, readOnly); // Image Unique ID: { dng_string s = EncodeFingerprint (exif.fImageUniqueID); SyncString (XMP_NS_EXIF, "ImageUniqueID", s, readOnly + removable); exif.fImageUniqueID = DecodeFingerprint (s); } // Allow EXIF GPS to be updated via updates from XMP. if (doingUpdateFromXMP) { // Require that at least one basic GPS field exist in the // XMP before overrriding the EXIF GPS fields. if (Exists (XMP_NS_EXIF, "GPSVersionID" ) || Exists (XMP_NS_EXIF, "GPSLatitude" ) || Exists (XMP_NS_EXIF, "GPSLongitude" ) || Exists (XMP_NS_EXIF, "GPSAltitude" ) || Exists (XMP_NS_EXIF, "GPSTimeStamp" ) || Exists (XMP_NS_EXIF, "GPSProcessingMethod")) { // Clear out the GPS info from the EXIF so it will // replaced by the GPS info from the XMP. dng_exif blankExif; exif.CopyGPSFrom (blankExif); } } // GPS Version ID: { dng_string s = EncodeGPSVersion (exif.fGPSVersionID); if (SyncString (XMP_NS_EXIF, "GPSVersionID", s, preferNonXMP + removable)) { exif.fGPSVersionID = DecodeGPSVersion (s); } } // GPS Latitude: { dng_string s = EncodeGPSCoordinate (exif.fGPSLatitudeRef, exif.fGPSLatitude); if (SyncString (XMP_NS_EXIF, "GPSLatitude", s, preferNonXMP + removable)) { DecodeGPSCoordinate (s, exif.fGPSLatitudeRef, exif.fGPSLatitude); } } // GPS Longitude: { dng_string s = EncodeGPSCoordinate (exif.fGPSLongitudeRef, exif.fGPSLongitude); if (SyncString (XMP_NS_EXIF, "GPSLongitude", s, preferNonXMP + removable)) { DecodeGPSCoordinate (s, exif.fGPSLongitudeRef, exif.fGPSLongitude); } } // Handle simple case of incorrectly written GPS altitude where someone didn't understand the GPSAltitudeRef and assumed the GPSAltitude RATIONAL is signed. // Only handle this case as we do not want to misinterpret e.g. a fixed point representation of very high GPS altitudes. uint32 &altitudeRef = exif.fGPSAltitudeRef; dng_urational &altitude = exif.fGPSAltitude; if (altitude.IsValid () && (altitudeRef == 0 || altitudeRef == 0xFFFFFFFF)) // If the file contains a "below sea level" altitudeRef, assume the writing software is working according to the spec. { if ((altitude.n & (1U << 31)) && altitude.d < 7) // As the denominator increases, large numerator values become possibly valid distances. Pick a limit on the conservative side (approx 33e6m) to prevent misinterpretation. // Noting that the normal case for this mistake has a denominator of 1 { altitude.n = ~altitude.n + 1; altitudeRef = 1; } } // GPS Altitude Reference: Sync_uint32 (XMP_NS_EXIF, "GPSAltitudeRef", altitudeRef, altitudeRef == 0xFFFFFFFF, preferNonXMP + removable); // GPS Altitude: Sync_urational (XMP_NS_EXIF, "GPSAltitude", altitude, preferNonXMP + removable); // GPS Date/Time: { dng_string s = EncodeGPSDateTime (exif.fGPSDateStamp, exif.fGPSTimeStamp); if (SyncString (XMP_NS_EXIF, "GPSTimeStamp", s, preferNonXMP + removable)) { DecodeGPSDateTime (s, exif.fGPSDateStamp, exif.fGPSTimeStamp); } } // GPS Satellites: SyncString (XMP_NS_EXIF, "GPSSatellites", exif.fGPSSatellites, preferNonXMP + removable); // GPS Status: SyncString (XMP_NS_EXIF, "GPSStatus", exif.fGPSStatus, preferNonXMP + removable); // GPS Measure Mode: SyncString (XMP_NS_EXIF, "GPSMeasureMode", exif.fGPSMeasureMode, preferNonXMP + removable); // GPS DOP: Sync_urational (XMP_NS_EXIF, "GPSDOP", exif.fGPSDOP, preferNonXMP + removable); // GPS Speed Reference: SyncString (XMP_NS_EXIF, "GPSSpeedRef", exif.fGPSSpeedRef, preferNonXMP + removable); // GPS Speed: Sync_urational (XMP_NS_EXIF, "GPSSpeed", exif.fGPSSpeed, preferNonXMP + removable); // GPS Track Reference: SyncString (XMP_NS_EXIF, "GPSTrackRef", exif.fGPSTrackRef, preferNonXMP + removable); // GPS Track: Sync_urational (XMP_NS_EXIF, "GPSTrack", exif.fGPSTrack, preferNonXMP + removable); // GPS Image Direction Reference: SyncString (XMP_NS_EXIF, "GPSImgDirectionRef", exif.fGPSImgDirectionRef, preferNonXMP + removable); // GPS Image Direction: Sync_urational (XMP_NS_EXIF, "GPSImgDirection", exif.fGPSImgDirection, preferNonXMP + removable); // GPS Map Datum: SyncString (XMP_NS_EXIF, "GPSMapDatum", exif.fGPSMapDatum, preferNonXMP + removable); // GPS Destination Latitude: { dng_string s = EncodeGPSCoordinate (exif.fGPSDestLatitudeRef, exif.fGPSDestLatitude); if (SyncString (XMP_NS_EXIF, "GPSDestLatitude", s, preferNonXMP + removable)) { DecodeGPSCoordinate (s, exif.fGPSDestLatitudeRef, exif.fGPSDestLatitude); } } // GPS Destination Longitude: { dng_string s = EncodeGPSCoordinate (exif.fGPSDestLongitudeRef, exif.fGPSDestLongitude); if (SyncString (XMP_NS_EXIF, "GPSDestLongitude", s, preferNonXMP + removable)) { DecodeGPSCoordinate (s, exif.fGPSDestLongitudeRef, exif.fGPSDestLongitude); } } // GPS Destination Bearing Reference: SyncString (XMP_NS_EXIF, "GPSDestBearingRef", exif.fGPSDestBearingRef, preferNonXMP + removable); // GPS Destination Bearing: Sync_urational (XMP_NS_EXIF, "GPSDestBearing", exif.fGPSDestBearing, preferNonXMP + removable); // GPS Destination Distance Reference: SyncString (XMP_NS_EXIF, "GPSDestDistanceRef", exif.fGPSDestDistanceRef, preferNonXMP + removable); // GPS Destination Distance: Sync_urational (XMP_NS_EXIF, "GPSDestDistance", exif.fGPSDestDistance, preferNonXMP + removable); // GPS Processing Method: SyncString (XMP_NS_EXIF, "GPSProcessingMethod", exif.fGPSProcessingMethod, preferNonXMP + removable); // GPS Area Information: SyncString (XMP_NS_EXIF, "GPSAreaInformation", exif.fGPSAreaInformation, preferNonXMP + removable); // GPS Differential: Sync_uint32 (XMP_NS_EXIF, "GPSDifferential", exif.fGPSDifferential, exif.fGPSDifferential == 0xFFFFFFFF, preferNonXMP + removable); // GPS Horizontal Positioning Error: Sync_urational (XMP_NS_EXIF, "GPSHPositioningError", exif.fGPSHPositioningError, preferNonXMP + removable); // Sync date/times. UpdateExifDates (exif, removeFromXMP); // We are syncing EXIF and XMP, but we are not updating the // NativeDigest tags. It is better to just delete them than leave // the stale values around. Remove (XMP_NS_EXIF, "NativeDigest"); Remove (XMP_NS_TIFF, "NativeDigest"); } /*****************************************************************************/ void dng_xmp::SyncApproximateFocusDistance (dng_exif &exif, const uint32 readOnly) { Sync_urational (XMP_NS_AUX, "ApproximateFocusDistance", exif.fApproxFocusDistance, readOnly); } /******************************************************************************/ void dng_xmp::ValidateStringList (const char *ns, const char *path) { fSDK->ValidateStringList (ns, path); } /******************************************************************************/ void dng_xmp::ValidateMetadata () { // The following values should be arrays, but are not always. So // fix them up because Photoshop sometimes has problems parsing invalid // tags. ValidateStringList (XMP_NS_DC, "creator"); ValidateStringList (XMP_NS_PHOTOSHOP, "Keywords"); ValidateStringList (XMP_NS_PHOTOSHOP, "SupplementalCategories"); } /******************************************************************************/ bool dng_xmp::DateTimeIsDateOnly (const char *ns, const char *path) { dng_string s; if (GetString (ns, path, s)) { uint32 len = s.Length (); if (len) { for (uint32 j = 0; j < len; j++) { if (s.Get () [j] == 'T') { return false; } } return true; } } return false; } /******************************************************************************/ void dng_xmp::UpdateExifDates (dng_exif &exif, bool removeFromXMP) { // For the following three date/time fields, we always prefer XMP to // the EXIF values. This is to allow the user to correct the date/times // via changes in a sidecar XMP file, without modifying the original // raw file. // Kludge: The Nikon D4 is writing date only date/times into XMP, so // prefer the EXIF values if the XMP only contains a date. // Modification Date/Time: // exif.fDateTime // kXMP_NS_XMP:"ModifyDate" & kXMP_NS_TIFF:"DateTime" are aliased { dng_string s = exif.fDateTime.Encode_ISO_8601 (); bool dateOnly = DateTimeIsDateOnly (XMP_NS_TIFF, "DateTime"); SyncString (XMP_NS_TIFF, "DateTime", s, dateOnly ? preferNonXMP : preferXMP); if (s.NotEmpty ()) { exif.fDateTime.Decode_ISO_8601 (s.Get ()); // Round trip again in case we need to add a fake time zone. s = exif.fDateTime.Encode_ISO_8601 (); SetString (XMP_NS_TIFF, "DateTime", s); } } // Original Date/Time: // exif.fDateTimeOriginal // IPTC: DateCreated // XMP_NS_EXIF:"DateTimeOriginal" & XMP_NS_PHOTOSHOP:"DateCreated" // Adobe has decided to keep the two XMP fields separate. { dng_string s = exif.fDateTimeOriginal.Encode_ISO_8601 (); bool dateOnly = DateTimeIsDateOnly (XMP_NS_EXIF, "DateTimeOriginal"); SyncString (XMP_NS_EXIF, "DateTimeOriginal", s, dateOnly ? preferNonXMP : preferXMP); if (s.NotEmpty ()) { exif.fDateTimeOriginal.Decode_ISO_8601 (s.Get ()); // Round trip again in case we need to add a fake time zone. s = exif.fDateTimeOriginal.Encode_ISO_8601 (); SetString (XMP_NS_EXIF, "DateTimeOriginal", s); } // Sync the IPTC value to the EXIF value if only the EXIF // value exists. if (s.NotEmpty () && !Exists (XMP_NS_PHOTOSHOP, "DateCreated")) { SetString (XMP_NS_PHOTOSHOP, "DateCreated", s); } if (removeFromXMP) { Remove (XMP_NS_EXIF, "DateTimeOriginal"); } } // Date Time Digitized: // XMP_NS_EXIF:"DateTimeDigitized" & kXMP_NS_XMP:"CreateDate" are aliased { dng_string s = exif.fDateTimeDigitized.Encode_ISO_8601 (); bool dateOnly = DateTimeIsDateOnly (XMP_NS_EXIF, "DateTimeDigitized"); SyncString (XMP_NS_EXIF, "DateTimeDigitized", s, dateOnly ? preferNonXMP : preferXMP); if (s.NotEmpty ()) { exif.fDateTimeDigitized.Decode_ISO_8601 (s.Get ()); // Round trip again in case we need to add a fake time zone. s = exif.fDateTimeDigitized.Encode_ISO_8601 (); SetString (XMP_NS_EXIF, "DateTimeDigitized", s); } } } /******************************************************************************/ void dng_xmp::UpdateDateTime (const dng_date_time_info &dt) { dng_string s = dt.Encode_ISO_8601 (); SetString (XMP_NS_TIFF, "DateTime", s); } /******************************************************************************/ void dng_xmp::UpdateMetadataDate (const dng_date_time_info &dt) { dng_string s = dt.Encode_ISO_8601 (); SetString (XMP_NS_XAP, "MetadataDate", s); } /*****************************************************************************/ bool dng_xmp::HasOrientation () const { uint32 x = 0; if (Get_uint32 (XMP_NS_TIFF, "Orientation", x)) { return (x >= 1) && (x <= 8); } return false; } /*****************************************************************************/ dng_orientation dng_xmp::GetOrientation () const { dng_orientation result; uint32 x = 0; if (Get_uint32 (XMP_NS_TIFF, "Orientation", x)) { if ((x >= 1) && (x <= 8)) { result.SetTIFF (x); } } return result; } /******************************************************************************/ void dng_xmp::ClearOrientation () { fSDK->Remove (XMP_NS_TIFF, "Orientation"); } /******************************************************************************/ void dng_xmp::SetOrientation (const dng_orientation &orientation) { Set_uint32 (XMP_NS_TIFF, "Orientation", orientation.GetTIFF ()); } /*****************************************************************************/ void dng_xmp::SyncOrientation (dng_negative &negative, bool xmpIsMaster) { SyncOrientation (negative.Metadata (), xmpIsMaster); } /*****************************************************************************/ void dng_xmp::SyncOrientation (dng_metadata &metadata, bool xmpIsMaster) { // See if XMP contains the orientation. bool xmpHasOrientation = HasOrientation (); // See if XMP is the master value. if (xmpHasOrientation && (xmpIsMaster || !metadata.HasBaseOrientation ())) { metadata.SetBaseOrientation (GetOrientation ()); } else { SetOrientation (metadata.BaseOrientation ()); } } /******************************************************************************/ void dng_xmp::ClearImageInfo () { Remove (XMP_NS_TIFF, "ImageWidth" ); Remove (XMP_NS_TIFF, "ImageLength"); Remove (XMP_NS_EXIF, "PixelXDimension"); Remove (XMP_NS_EXIF, "PixelYDimension"); Remove (XMP_NS_TIFF, "BitsPerSample"); Remove (XMP_NS_TIFF, "Compression"); Remove (XMP_NS_TIFF, "PhotometricInterpretation"); // "Orientation" is handled separately. Remove (XMP_NS_TIFF, "SamplesPerPixel"); Remove (XMP_NS_TIFF, "PlanarConfiguration"); Remove (XMP_NS_TIFF, "XResolution"); Remove (XMP_NS_TIFF, "YResolution"); Remove (XMP_NS_TIFF, "ResolutionUnit"); Remove (XMP_NS_PHOTOSHOP, "ColorMode" ); Remove (XMP_NS_PHOTOSHOP, "ICCProfile"); } /******************************************************************************/ void dng_xmp::SetImageSize (const dng_point &size) { Set_uint32 (XMP_NS_TIFF, "ImageWidth" , size.h); Set_uint32 (XMP_NS_TIFF, "ImageLength", size.v); // Mirror these values to the EXIF tags. Set_uint32 (XMP_NS_EXIF, "PixelXDimension" , size.h); Set_uint32 (XMP_NS_EXIF, "PixelYDimension" , size.v); } /******************************************************************************/ void dng_xmp::SetSampleInfo (uint32 samplesPerPixel, uint32 bitsPerSample) { Set_uint32 (XMP_NS_TIFF, "SamplesPerPixel", samplesPerPixel); char s [32]; sprintf (s, "%u", (unsigned) bitsPerSample); dng_string ss; ss.Set (s); dng_string_list list; for (uint32 j = 0; j < samplesPerPixel; j++) { list.Append (ss); } SetStringList (XMP_NS_TIFF, "BitsPerSample", list, false); } /******************************************************************************/ void dng_xmp::SetPhotometricInterpretation (uint32 pi) { Set_uint32 (XMP_NS_TIFF, "PhotometricInterpretation", pi); } /******************************************************************************/ void dng_xmp::SetResolution (const dng_resolution &res) { Set_urational (XMP_NS_TIFF, "XResolution", res.fXResolution); Set_urational (XMP_NS_TIFF, "YResolution", res.fYResolution); Set_uint32 (XMP_NS_TIFF, "ResolutionUnit", res.fResolutionUnit); } /*****************************************************************************/ void dng_xmp::ComposeArrayItemPath (const char *ns, const char *arrayName, int32 itemNumber, dng_string &s) const { fSDK->ComposeArrayItemPath (ns, arrayName, itemNumber, s); } /*****************************************************************************/ void dng_xmp::ComposeStructFieldPath (const char *ns, const char *structName, const char *fieldNS, const char *fieldName, dng_string &s) const { fSDK->ComposeStructFieldPath (ns, structName, fieldNS, fieldName, s); } /*****************************************************************************/ int32 dng_xmp::CountArrayItems (const char *ns, const char *path) const { return fSDK->CountArrayItems (ns, path); } /*****************************************************************************/ void dng_xmp::AppendArrayItem (const char *ns, const char *arrayName, const char *itemValue, bool isBag, bool propIsStruct) { fSDK->AppendArrayItem (ns, arrayName, itemValue, isBag, propIsStruct); } /*****************************************************************************/ #if qDNGXMPDocOps /*****************************************************************************/ void dng_xmp::DocOpsOpenXMP (const char *srcMIMI) { fSDK->DocOpsOpenXMP (srcMIMI); } /*****************************************************************************/ void dng_xmp::DocOpsPrepareForSave (const char *srcMIMI, const char *dstMIMI, bool newPath) { fSDK->DocOpsPrepareForSave (srcMIMI, dstMIMI, newPath); } /*****************************************************************************/ void dng_xmp::DocOpsUpdateMetadata (const char *srcMIMI) { fSDK->DocOpsUpdateMetadata (srcMIMI); } /*****************************************************************************/ #endif /*****************************************************************************/