#ifndef __XMPMeta_hpp__ #define __XMPMeta_hpp__ // ================================================================================================= // Copyright 2003 Adobe Systems Incorporated // All Rights Reserved. // // NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in accordance with the terms // of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it. // ================================================================================================= #include "public/include/XMP_Environment.h" #include "public/include/XMP_Const.h" #include "XMPCore_Impl.hpp" #include "XMLParserAdapter.hpp" // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef DumpXMLParseTree #define DumpXMLParseTree 0 #endif extern XMP_VarString * xdefaultName; // Needed in XMPMeta-Parse.cpp, MoveExplicitAliases. class XMPIterator; class XMPUtils; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class XMPMeta { public: static void GetVersionInfo ( XMP_VersionInfo * info ); static bool Initialize(); static void Terminate() RELEASE_NO_THROW; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XMPMeta(); virtual ~XMPMeta() RELEASE_NO_THROW; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- static XMP_OptionBits GetGlobalOptions(); static void SetGlobalOptions ( XMP_OptionBits options ); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- static XMP_Status DumpNamespaces ( XMP_TextOutputProc outProc, void * refCon ); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- static bool RegisterNamespace ( XMP_StringPtr namespaceURI, XMP_StringPtr suggestedPrefix, XMP_StringPtr * registeredPrefix, XMP_StringLen * prefixSize ); static bool GetNamespacePrefix ( XMP_StringPtr namespaceURI, XMP_StringPtr * namespacePrefix, XMP_StringLen * prefixSize ); static bool GetNamespaceURI ( XMP_StringPtr namespacePrefix, XMP_StringPtr * namespaceURI, XMP_StringLen * uriSize ); static void DeleteNamespace ( XMP_StringPtr namespaceURI ); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool GetProperty ( XMP_StringPtr schemaNS, XMP_StringPtr propName, XMP_StringPtr * propValue, XMP_StringLen * valueSize, XMP_OptionBits * options ) const; bool GetArrayItem ( XMP_StringPtr schemaNS, XMP_StringPtr arrayName, XMP_Index itemIndex, XMP_StringPtr * itemValue, XMP_StringLen * valueSize, XMP_OptionBits * options ) const; bool GetStructField ( XMP_StringPtr schemaNS, XMP_StringPtr structName, XMP_StringPtr fieldNS, XMP_StringPtr fieldName, XMP_StringPtr * fieldValue, XMP_StringLen * valueSize, XMP_OptionBits * options ) const; bool GetQualifier ( XMP_StringPtr schemaNS, XMP_StringPtr propName, XMP_StringPtr qualNS, XMP_StringPtr qualName, XMP_StringPtr * qualValue, XMP_StringLen * valueSize, XMP_OptionBits * options ) const; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SetProperty ( XMP_StringPtr schemaNS, XMP_StringPtr propName, XMP_StringPtr propValue, XMP_OptionBits options ); void SetArrayItem ( XMP_StringPtr schemaNS, XMP_StringPtr arrayName, XMP_Index itemIndex, XMP_StringPtr itemValue, XMP_OptionBits options ); void AppendArrayItem ( XMP_StringPtr schemaNS, XMP_StringPtr arrayName, XMP_OptionBits arrayOptions, XMP_StringPtr itemValue, XMP_OptionBits options ); void SetStructField ( XMP_StringPtr schemaNS, XMP_StringPtr structName, XMP_StringPtr fieldNS, XMP_StringPtr fieldName, XMP_StringPtr fieldValue, XMP_OptionBits options ); void SetQualifier ( XMP_StringPtr schemaNS, XMP_StringPtr propName, XMP_StringPtr qualNS, XMP_StringPtr qualName, XMP_StringPtr qualValue, XMP_OptionBits options ); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void DeleteProperty ( XMP_StringPtr schemaNS, XMP_StringPtr propName ); void DeleteArrayItem ( XMP_StringPtr schemaNS, XMP_StringPtr arrayName, XMP_Index itemIndex ); void DeleteStructField ( XMP_StringPtr schemaNS, XMP_StringPtr structName, XMP_StringPtr fieldNS, XMP_StringPtr fieldName ); void DeleteQualifier ( XMP_StringPtr schemaNS, XMP_StringPtr propName, XMP_StringPtr qualNS, XMP_StringPtr qualName ); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool DoesPropertyExist ( XMP_StringPtr schemaNS, XMP_StringPtr propName ) const; bool DoesArrayItemExist ( XMP_StringPtr schemaNS, XMP_StringPtr arrayName, XMP_Index itemIndex ) const; bool DoesStructFieldExist ( XMP_StringPtr schemaNS, XMP_StringPtr structName, XMP_StringPtr fieldNS, XMP_StringPtr fieldName ) const; bool DoesQualifierExist ( XMP_StringPtr schemaNS, XMP_StringPtr propName, XMP_StringPtr qualNS, XMP_StringPtr qualName ) const; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool GetLocalizedText ( XMP_StringPtr schemaNS, XMP_StringPtr altTextName, XMP_StringPtr genericLang, XMP_StringPtr specificLang, XMP_StringPtr * actualLang, XMP_StringLen * langSize, XMP_StringPtr * itemValue, XMP_StringLen * valueSize, XMP_OptionBits * options ) const; void SetLocalizedText ( XMP_StringPtr schemaNS, XMP_StringPtr altTextName, XMP_StringPtr genericLang, XMP_StringPtr specificLang, XMP_StringPtr itemValue, XMP_OptionBits options ); void DeleteLocalizedText ( XMP_StringPtr schemaNS, XMP_StringPtr altTextName, XMP_StringPtr genericLang, XMP_StringPtr specificLang); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool GetProperty_Bool ( XMP_StringPtr schemaNS, XMP_StringPtr propName, bool * propValue, XMP_OptionBits * options ) const; bool GetProperty_Int ( XMP_StringPtr schemaNS, XMP_StringPtr propName, XMP_Int32 * propValue, XMP_OptionBits * options ) const; bool GetProperty_Int64 ( XMP_StringPtr schemaNS, XMP_StringPtr propName, XMP_Int64 * propValue, XMP_OptionBits * options ) const; bool GetProperty_Float ( XMP_StringPtr schemaNS, XMP_StringPtr propName, double * propValue, XMP_OptionBits * options ) const; bool GetProperty_Date ( XMP_StringPtr schemaNS, XMP_StringPtr propName, XMP_DateTime * propValue, XMP_OptionBits * options ) const; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SetProperty_Bool ( XMP_StringPtr schemaNS, XMP_StringPtr propName, bool propValue, XMP_OptionBits options ); void SetProperty_Int ( XMP_StringPtr schemaNS, XMP_StringPtr propName, XMP_Int32 propValue, XMP_OptionBits options ); void SetProperty_Int64 ( XMP_StringPtr schemaNS, XMP_StringPtr propName, XMP_Int64 propValue, XMP_OptionBits options ); void SetProperty_Float ( XMP_StringPtr schemaNS, XMP_StringPtr propName, double propValue, XMP_OptionBits options ); void SetProperty_Date ( XMP_StringPtr schemaNS, XMP_StringPtr propName, const XMP_DateTime & propValue, XMP_OptionBits options ); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void GetObjectName ( XMP_StringPtr * namePtr, XMP_StringLen * nameLen ) const; void SetObjectName ( XMP_StringPtr name ); XMP_OptionBits GetObjectOptions() const; void SetObjectOptions ( XMP_OptionBits options ); void Sort(); void Erase(); void Clone ( XMPMeta * clone, XMP_OptionBits options ) const; XMP_Index CountArrayItems ( XMP_StringPtr schemaNS, XMP_StringPtr arrayName ) const; void DumpObject ( XMP_TextOutputProc outProc, void * refCon ) const; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ParseFromBuffer ( XMP_StringPtr buffer, XMP_StringLen bufferSize, XMP_OptionBits options ); void SerializeToBuffer ( XMP_VarString * rdfString, XMP_OptionBits options, XMP_StringLen padding, XMP_StringPtr newline, XMP_StringPtr indent, XMP_Index baseIndent ) const; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void SetDefaultErrorCallback ( XMPMeta_ErrorCallbackWrapper wrapperProc, XMPMeta_ErrorCallbackProc clientProc, void * context, XMP_Uns32 limit ); void SetErrorCallback ( XMPMeta_ErrorCallbackWrapper wrapperProc, XMPMeta_ErrorCallbackProc clientProc, void * context, XMP_Uns32 limit ); void ResetErrorCallbackLimit ( XMP_Uns32 limit ); class ErrorCallbackInfo : public GenericErrorCallback { public: XMPMeta_ErrorCallbackWrapper wrapperProc; XMPMeta_ErrorCallbackProc clientProc; void * context; ErrorCallbackInfo() : wrapperProc(0), clientProc(0), context(0) {}; void Clear() { this->wrapperProc = 0; this->clientProc = 0; this->context = 0; GenericErrorCallback::Clear(); }; bool CanNotify() const; bool ClientCallbackWrapper ( XMP_StringPtr filePath, XMP_ErrorSeverity severity, XMP_Int32 cause, XMP_StringPtr messsage ) const; }; // ============================================================================================= // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // - Everything is built out of standard nodes. Each node has a name, value, option flags, a // vector of child nodes, and a vector of qualifier nodes. // // - The option flags are those passed to SetProperty and returned from GetProperty. They tell // if the node is simple, a struct or an array; whether it has qualifiers, etc. // // - The name of the node is an XML qualified name, of the form "prefix:simple-name". Since we // force all namespaces to be known and to have unique prefixes, this is semantically equivalent // to using a URI and simple name pair. // // - Although the value part is only for leaf properties and the children part is only for // structs and arrays, it is easier to simply have them in every node. This keeps things visible // so that debugging is easier // // - The top level node children are the namespaces that contain properties, the next level are // the top level properties, lower levels are the fields of structs or items of arrays. The name // of the top level nodes is just the namespace prefix, with the colon terminator. The name of // top level properties includes the namespace prefix. // // - Any property node, at any level, can have qualifiers. These are themselves general property // nodes. And could in fact themselves have qualifiers! // ! Expose the implementation so that file static functions can see the data. XMP_Int32 clientRefs; // ! Must be signed to allow decrement from 0. XMP_ReadWriteLock lock; // ! Any data member changes must be propagted to the Clone function! XMP_Node tree; XMLParserAdapter * xmlParser; ErrorCallbackInfo errorCallback; friend class XMPIterator; friend class XMPUtils; private: // ! These are hidden on purpose: XMPMeta ( const XMPMeta & /* original */ ) : tree(XMP_Node(0,"",0)), clientRefs(0), xmlParser(0) { XMP_Throw ( "Call to hidden constructor", kXMPErr_InternalFailure ); }; void operator= ( const XMPMeta & /* rhs */ ) { XMP_Throw ( "Call to hidden operator=", kXMPErr_InternalFailure ); }; // Special support routines for parsing, here to be able to access the errorCallback. void ProcessXMLTree ( XMP_OptionBits options ); bool ProcessXMLBuffer ( XMP_StringPtr buffer, XMP_StringLen xmpSize, bool lastClientCall ); void ProcessRDF ( const XML_Node & xmlTree, XMP_OptionBits options ); }; // class XMPMeta // ================================================================================================= #endif // __XMPMeta_hpp__