// ================================================================================================= // Copyright 2009 Adobe Systems Incorporated // All Rights Reserved. // // NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in accordance with the terms // of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it. // ================================================================================================= #include "public/include/XMP_Environment.h" #include "XMP_LibUtils.hpp" #include "UnicodeInlines.incl_cpp" #include #include // ================================================================================================= #ifndef TraceThreadLocks #define TraceThreadLocks 0 #endif // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- extern "C" bool Initialize_LibUtils() { return true; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- extern "C" void Terminate_LibUtils(){ // Nothing to do. } // ================================================================================================= // Error notifications // ================================================================================================= bool GenericErrorCallback::CheckLimitAndSeverity ( XMP_ErrorSeverity severity ) const { if ( this->limit == 0 ) return true; // Always notify if the limit is zero. if ( severity < this->topSeverity ) return false; // Don't notify, don't count. if ( severity > this->topSeverity ) { this->topSeverity = severity; this->notifications = 0; } this->notifications += 1; return (this->notifications <= this->limit); } // GenericErrorCallback::CheckLimitAndSeverity // ================================================================================================= void GenericErrorCallback::NotifyClient ( XMP_ErrorSeverity severity, XMP_Error & error, XMP_StringPtr filePath /*= 0 */ ) const { bool notifyClient = CanNotify() && !error.IsNotified(); bool returnAndRecover (severity == kXMPErrSev_Recoverable); if ( notifyClient ) { error.SetNotified(); notifyClient = CheckLimitAndSeverity ( severity ); if ( notifyClient ) { returnAndRecover &= ClientCallbackWrapper( filePath, severity, error.GetID(), error.GetErrMsg() ); } } if ( ! returnAndRecover ) XMP_Error_Throw ( error ); } // ================================================================================================= // Thread synchronization locks // ================================================================================================= XMP_ReadWriteLock::XMP_ReadWriteLock() : beingWritten(false) { #if XMP_DebugBuild && HaveAtomicIncrDecr this->lockCount = 0; // Atomic counter must be 32 or 64 bits and naturally aligned. size_t counterSize = sizeof ( XMP_AtomicCounter ); size_t counterOffset = XMP_OffsetOf ( XMP_ReadWriteLock, lockCount ); XMP_Assert ( (counterSize == 4) || (counterSize == 8) ); // Counter must be 32 or 64 bits. XMP_Assert ( (counterOffset & (counterSize-1)) == 0 ); // Counter must be naturally aligned. #endif XMP_BasicRWLock_Initialize ( this->lock ); #if TraceThreadLocks fprintf ( stderr, "Created lock %.8X\n", this ); #endif } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XMP_ReadWriteLock::~XMP_ReadWriteLock() { #if TraceThreadLocks fprintf ( stderr, "Deleting lock %.8X\n", this ); #endif #if XMP_DebugBuild && HaveAtomicIncrDecr XMP_Assert ( this->lockCount == 0 ); #endif XMP_BasicRWLock_Terminate ( this->lock ); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void XMP_ReadWriteLock::Acquire ( bool forWriting ) { #if TraceThreadLocks fprintf ( stderr, "Acquiring lock %.8X for %s, count %d%s\n", this, (forWriting ? "writing" : "reading"), this->lockCount, (this->beingWritten ? ", being written" : "") ); #endif if ( forWriting ) { XMP_BasicRWLock_AcquireForWrite ( this->lock ); #if XMP_DebugBuild && HaveAtomicIncrDecr XMP_Assert ( this->lockCount == 0 ); #endif } else { XMP_BasicRWLock_AcquireForRead ( this->lock ); XMP_Assert ( ! this->beingWritten ); } #if XMP_DebugBuild && HaveAtomicIncrDecr XMP_AtomicIncrement ( this->lockCount ); #endif this->beingWritten = forWriting; #if TraceThreadLocks fprintf ( stderr, "Acquired lock %.8X for %s, count %d%s\n", this, (forWriting ? "writing" : "reading"), this->lockCount, (this->beingWritten ? ", being written" : "") ); #endif } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void XMP_ReadWriteLock::Release() { #if TraceThreadLocks fprintf ( stderr, "Releasing lock %.8X, count %d%s\n", this, this->lockCount, (this->beingWritten ? ", being written" : "") ); #endif #if XMP_DebugBuild && HaveAtomicIncrDecr XMP_Assert ( this->lockCount > 0 ); XMP_AtomicDecrement ( this->lockCount ); // ! Do these before unlocking, that might release a waiting thread. #endif bool forWriting = this->beingWritten; this->beingWritten = false; if ( forWriting ) { XMP_BasicRWLock_ReleaseFromWrite ( this->lock ); } else { XMP_BasicRWLock_ReleaseFromRead ( this->lock ); } #if TraceThreadLocks fprintf ( stderr, "Released lock %.8X, count %d%s\n", this, this->lockCount, (this->beingWritten ? ", being written" : "") ); #endif } // ================================================================================================= #if UseHomeGrownLock #if XMP_MacBuild | XMP_UNIXBuild | XMP_iOSBuild // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // About pthread mutexes and conditions: // // The mutex protecting the condition must be locked before waiting for the condition. A // thread can wait for a condition to be signaled by calling the pthread_cond_wait // subroutine. The subroutine atomically unlocks the mutex and blocks the calling thread // until the condition is signaled. When the call returns, the mutex is locked again. #define InitializeBasicMutex(mutex) { int err = pthread_mutex_init ( &mutex, 0 ); XMP_Enforce ( err == 0 ); } #define TerminateBasicMutex(mutex) { int err = pthread_mutex_destroy ( &mutex ); XMP_Enforce ( err == 0 ); } #define AcquireBasicMutex(mutex) { int err = pthread_mutex_lock ( &mutex ); XMP_Enforce ( err == 0 ); } #define ReleaseBasicMutex(mutex) { int err = pthread_mutex_unlock ( &mutex ); XMP_Enforce ( err == 0 ); } #define InitializeBasicQueue(queue) { int err = pthread_cond_init ( &queue, 0 ); XMP_Enforce ( err == 0 ); } #define TerminateBasicQueue(queue) { int err = pthread_cond_destroy ( &queue ); XMP_Enforce ( err == 0 ); } #define WaitOnBasicQueue(queue,mutex) { int err = pthread_cond_wait ( &queue, &mutex ); XMP_Enforce ( err == 0 ); } #define ReleaseOneBasicQueue(queue) { int err = pthread_cond_signal ( &queue ); XMP_Enforce ( err == 0 ); } #define ReleaseAllBasicQueue(queue) { int err = pthread_cond_broadcast ( &queue ); XMP_Enforce ( err == 0 ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #elif XMP_WinBuild // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define InitializeBasicMutex(mutex) { InitializeCriticalSection ( &mutex ); } #define TerminateBasicMutex(mutex) { DeleteCriticalSection ( &mutex ); } #define AcquireBasicMutex(mutex) { EnterCriticalSection ( &mutex ); } #define ReleaseBasicMutex(mutex) { LeaveCriticalSection ( &mutex ); } #if ! BuildLocksForWinXP // About Win32 condition variables (not on XP): // // Condition variables enable threads to atomically release a lock and enter the // sleeping state. They can be used with critical sections or slim reader/writer (SRW) // locks. Condition variables support operations that "wake one" or "wake all" waiting // threads. After a thread is woken, it re-acquires the lock it released when the thread // entered the sleeping state. #define InitializeBasicQueue(queue) { InitializeConditionVariable ( &queue ); } #define TerminateBasicQueue(queue) /* Do nothing. */ #define WaitOnBasicQueue(queue,mutex) \ { BOOL ok = SleepConditionVariableCS ( &queue, &mutex, INFINITE /* timeout */ ); XMP_Enforce ( ok ); } #define ReleaseOneBasicQueue(queue) { WakeConditionVariable ( &queue ); } #define ReleaseAllBasicQueue(queue) { WakeAllConditionVariable ( &queue ); } #else // Need to create our own queue for Windows XP. This is not a general queue, it depends // on the usage inside XMP_HomeGrownLock where the queueMutex guarantees that the // queueing operations are done single threaded. #define InitializeBasicQueue(queue) /* Do nothing. */ #define TerminateBasicQueue(queue) /* Do nothing. */ #define WaitOnBasicQueue(queue,mutex) { queue.Wait ( mutex ); } #define ReleaseOneBasicQueue(queue) { queue.ReleaseOne(); } #define ReleaseAllBasicQueue(queue) { queue.ReleaseAll(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XMP_WinXP_HGQueue::XMP_WinXP_HGQueue() : queueEvent(0), waitCount(0), releaseAll(false) { this->queueEvent = CreateEvent ( NULL, FALSE, TRUE, NULL ); // Auto reset, initially clear. XMP_Enforce ( this->queueEvent != 0 ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XMP_WinXP_HGQueue::~XMP_WinXP_HGQueue() { CloseHandle ( this->queueEvent ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void XMP_WinXP_HGQueue::Wait ( XMP_BasicMutex & queueMutex ) { ++this->waitCount; // ! Does not need atomic increment, protected by queue mutex. ReleaseBasicMutex ( queueMutex ); DWORD status = WaitForSingleObject ( this->queueEvent, INFINITE ); if ( status != WAIT_OBJECT_0 ) XMP_Throw ( "Failure from WaitForSingleObject", kXMPErr_ExternalFailure ); AcquireBasicMutex ( queueMutex ); --this->waitCount; // ! Does not need atomic decrement, protected by queue mutex. if ( this->releaseAll ) { if ( this->waitCount == 0 ) { this->releaseAll = false; } else { BOOL ok = SetEvent ( this->queueEvent ); if ( ! ok ) XMP_Throw ( "Failure from SetEvent", kXMPErr_ExternalFailure ); } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void XMP_WinXP_HGQueue::ReleaseOne() { XMP_Assert ( ! this->releaseAll ); BOOL ok = SetEvent ( this->queueEvent ); if ( ! ok ) XMP_Throw ( "Failure from SetEvent", kXMPErr_ExternalFailure ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void XMP_WinXP_HGQueue::ReleaseAll() { this->releaseAll = true; BOOL ok = SetEvent ( this->queueEvent ); if ( ! ok ) XMP_Throw ( "Failure from SetEvent", kXMPErr_ExternalFailure ); } #endif // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #endif // ============================================================================================= XMP_HomeGrownLock::XMP_HomeGrownLock() : lockCount(0), readersWaiting(0), writersWaiting(0), beingWritten(false) { InitializeBasicMutex ( this->queueMutex ); InitializeBasicQueue ( this->writerQueue ); InitializeBasicQueue ( this->readerQueue ); } // ============================================================================================= XMP_HomeGrownLock::~XMP_HomeGrownLock() { TerminateBasicMutex ( this->queueMutex ); TerminateBasicQueue ( this->writerQueue ); TerminateBasicQueue ( this->readerQueue ); } // ============================================================================================= void XMP_HomeGrownLock::AcquireForRead() { XMP_AutoMutex autoMutex ( &this->queueMutex ); ++this->readersWaiting; // ! Does not need atomic increment, protected by queue mutex. while ( (this->beingWritten) || (this->writersWaiting > 0) ) { // Don't allow more readers if writers are waiting. WaitOnBasicQueue ( this->readerQueue, this->queueMutex ); } --this->readersWaiting; // ! Does not need atomic decrement, protected by queue mutex. XMP_Assert ( ! this->beingWritten ); ++this->lockCount; // ! Does not need atomic increment, protected by queue mutex. } // ============================================================================================= void XMP_HomeGrownLock::AcquireForWrite() { XMP_AutoMutex autoMutex ( &this->queueMutex ); ++this->writersWaiting; // ! Does not need atomic increment, protected by queue mutex. while ( this->lockCount > 0 ) { WaitOnBasicQueue ( this->writerQueue, this->queueMutex ); } --this->writersWaiting; // ! Does not need atomic decrement, protected by queue mutex. XMP_Assert ( (! this->beingWritten) && (this->lockCount == 0) ); ++this->lockCount; // ! Does not need atomic increment, protected by queue mutex. this->beingWritten = true; } // ============================================================================================= void XMP_HomeGrownLock::ReleaseFromRead() { XMP_AutoMutex autoMutex ( &this->queueMutex ); XMP_Assert ( (! this->beingWritten) && (this->lockCount > 0) ); --this->lockCount; // ! Does not need atomic decrement, protected by queue mutex. if ( this->writersWaiting > 0 ) { ReleaseOneBasicQueue ( this->writerQueue ); } else if ( this->readersWaiting > 0 ) { ReleaseAllBasicQueue ( this->readerQueue ); } } // ============================================================================================= void XMP_HomeGrownLock::ReleaseFromWrite() { XMP_AutoMutex autoMutex ( &this->queueMutex ); XMP_Assert ( this->beingWritten && (this->lockCount == 1) ); --this->lockCount; // ! Does not need atomic decrement, protected by queue mutex. this->beingWritten = false; if ( this->writersWaiting > 0 ) { ReleaseOneBasicQueue ( this->writerQueue ); } else if ( this->readersWaiting > 0 ) { ReleaseAllBasicQueue ( this->readerQueue ); } } // ============================================================================================= #endif // ================================================================================================= // Data structure dumping utilities // ================================ void DumpClearString ( const XMP_VarString & value, XMP_TextOutputProc outProc, void * refCon ) { char buffer [20]; bool prevNormal; XMP_Status status = 0; XMP_StringPtr spanStart, spanEnd; XMP_StringPtr valueEnd = &value[0] + value.size(); spanStart = &value[0]; while ( spanStart < valueEnd ) { // Output the next span of regular characters. for ( spanEnd = spanStart; spanEnd < valueEnd; ++spanEnd ) { if ( *spanEnd > 0x7F ) break; if ( (*spanEnd < 0x20) && (*spanEnd != kTab) && (*spanEnd != kLF) ) break; } if ( spanStart != spanEnd ) status = (*outProc) ( refCon, spanStart, (XMP_StringLen)(spanEnd-spanStart) ); if ( status != 0 ) break; spanStart = spanEnd; // Output the next span of irregular characters. prevNormal = true; for ( spanEnd = spanStart; spanEnd < valueEnd; ++spanEnd ) { if ( ((0x20 <= *spanEnd) && (*spanEnd <= 0x7F)) || (*spanEnd == kTab) || (*spanEnd == kLF) ) break; char space = ' '; if ( prevNormal ) space = '<'; status = (*outProc) ( refCon, &space, 1 ); if ( status != 0 ) break; OutProcHexByte ( *spanEnd ); prevNormal = false; } if ( ! prevNormal ) { status = (*outProc) ( refCon, ">", 1 ); if ( status != 0 ) return; } spanStart = spanEnd; } } // DumpClearString // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void DumpStringMap ( const XMP_StringMap & map, XMP_StringPtr label, XMP_TextOutputProc outProc, void * refCon ) { XMP_cStringMapPos currPos; XMP_cStringMapPos endPos = map.end(); size_t maxLen = 0; for ( currPos = map.begin(); currPos != endPos; ++currPos ) { size_t currLen = currPos->first.size(); if ( currLen > maxLen ) maxLen = currLen; } OutProcNewline(); OutProcLiteral ( label ); OutProcNewline(); for ( currPos = map.begin(); currPos != endPos; ++currPos ) { OutProcNChars ( " ", 2 ); DumpClearString ( currPos->first, outProc, refCon ); OutProcPadding ( maxLen - currPos->first.size() ); OutProcNChars ( " => ", 4 ); DumpClearString ( currPos->second, outProc, refCon ); OutProcNewline(); } } // DumpStringMap // ================================================================================================= // Namespace Tables // ================================================================================================= XMP_NamespaceTable::XMP_NamespaceTable ( const XMP_NamespaceTable & presets ) { XMP_AutoLock presetLock ( &presets.lock, kXMP_ReadLock ); this->uriToPrefixMap = presets.uriToPrefixMap; this->prefixToURIMap = presets.prefixToURIMap; } // XMP_NamespaceTable::XMP_NamespaceTable // ================================================================================================= bool XMP_NamespaceTable::Define ( XMP_StringPtr _uri, XMP_StringPtr _suggPrefix, XMP_StringPtr * prefixPtr, XMP_StringLen * prefixLen ) { XMP_AutoLock tableLock ( &this->lock, kXMP_WriteLock ); bool prefixMatches = false; XMP_Assert ( (_uri != 0) && (*_uri != 0) && (_suggPrefix != 0) && (*_suggPrefix != 0) ); XMP_VarString uri ( _uri ); XMP_VarString suggPrefix ( _suggPrefix ); if ( suggPrefix[suggPrefix.size()-1] != ':' ) suggPrefix += ':'; VerifySimpleXMLName ( _suggPrefix, _suggPrefix+suggPrefix.size()-1 ); // Exclude the colon. XMP_StringMapPos uriPos = this->uriToPrefixMap.find ( uri ); if ( uriPos == this->uriToPrefixMap.end() ) { // The URI is not yet registered, make sure we use a unique prefix. XMP_VarString uniqPrefix ( suggPrefix ); int suffix = 0; char buffer [32]; // AUDIT: Plenty of room for the "_%d_" suffix. while ( true ) { if ( this->prefixToURIMap.find ( uniqPrefix ) == this->prefixToURIMap.end() ) break; ++suffix; snprintf ( buffer, sizeof(buffer), "_%d_:", suffix ); // AUDIT: Using sizeof for snprintf length is safe. uniqPrefix = suggPrefix; uniqPrefix.erase ( uniqPrefix.size()-1 ); // ! Remove the trailing ':'. uniqPrefix += buffer; } // Add the new namespace to both maps. XMP_StringPair newNS ( uri, uniqPrefix ); uriPos = this->uriToPrefixMap.insert ( this->uriToPrefixMap.end(), newNS ); newNS.first.swap ( newNS.second ); (void) this->prefixToURIMap.insert ( this->prefixToURIMap.end(), newNS ); } // Return the actual prefix and see if it matches the suggested prefix. if ( prefixPtr != 0 ) *prefixPtr = uriPos->second.c_str(); if ( prefixLen != 0 ) *prefixLen = (XMP_StringLen)uriPos->second.size(); prefixMatches = ( uriPos->second == suggPrefix ); return prefixMatches; } // XMP_NamespaceTable::Define // ================================================================================================= bool XMP_NamespaceTable::GetPrefix ( XMP_StringPtr _uri, XMP_StringPtr * prefixPtr, XMP_StringLen * prefixLen ) const { XMP_AutoLock tableLock ( &this->lock, kXMP_ReadLock ); bool found = false; XMP_Assert ( (_uri != 0) && (*_uri != 0) ); XMP_VarString uri ( _uri ); XMP_cStringMapPos uriPos = this->uriToPrefixMap.find ( uri ); if ( uriPos != this->uriToPrefixMap.end() ) { if ( prefixPtr != 0 ) *prefixPtr = uriPos->second.c_str(); if ( prefixLen != 0 ) *prefixLen = (XMP_StringLen)uriPos->second.size(); found = true; } return found; } // XMP_NamespaceTable::GetPrefix // ================================================================================================= bool XMP_NamespaceTable::GetURI ( XMP_StringPtr _prefix, XMP_StringPtr * uriPtr, XMP_StringLen * uriLen ) const { XMP_AutoLock tableLock ( &this->lock, kXMP_ReadLock ); bool found = false; XMP_Assert ( (_prefix != 0) && (*_prefix != 0) ); XMP_VarString prefix ( _prefix ); if ( prefix[prefix.size()-1] != ':' ) prefix += ':'; XMP_cStringMapPos prefixPos = this->prefixToURIMap.find ( prefix ); if ( prefixPos != this->prefixToURIMap.end() ) { if ( uriPtr != 0 ) *uriPtr = prefixPos->second.c_str(); if ( uriLen != 0 ) *uriLen = (XMP_StringLen)prefixPos->second.size(); found = true; } return found; } // XMP_NamespaceTable::GetURI // ================================================================================================= void XMP_NamespaceTable::Dump ( XMP_TextOutputProc outProc, void * refCon ) const { XMP_AutoLock tableLock ( &this->lock, kXMP_ReadLock ); XMP_cStringMapPos p2uEnd = this->prefixToURIMap.end(); // ! Move up to avoid gcc complaints. XMP_cStringMapPos u2pEnd = this->uriToPrefixMap.end(); DumpStringMap ( this->prefixToURIMap, "Dumping namespace prefix to URI map", outProc, refCon ); if ( this->prefixToURIMap.size() != this->uriToPrefixMap.size() ) { OutProcLiteral ( "** bad namespace map sizes **" ); XMP_Throw ( "Fatal namespace map problem", kXMPErr_InternalFailure ); } for ( XMP_cStringMapPos nsLeft = this->prefixToURIMap.begin(); nsLeft != p2uEnd; ++nsLeft ) { XMP_cStringMapPos nsOther = this->uriToPrefixMap.find ( nsLeft->second ); if ( (nsOther == u2pEnd) || (nsLeft != this->prefixToURIMap.find ( nsOther->second )) ) { OutProcLiteral ( " ** bad namespace URI ** " ); DumpClearString ( nsLeft->second, outProc, refCon ); break; } for ( XMP_cStringMapPos nsRight = nsLeft; nsRight != p2uEnd; ++nsRight ) { if ( nsRight == nsLeft ) continue; // ! Can't start at nsLeft+1, no operator+! if ( nsLeft->second == nsRight->second ) { OutProcLiteral ( " ** duplicate namespace URI ** " ); DumpClearString ( nsLeft->second, outProc, refCon ); break; } } } for ( XMP_cStringMapPos nsLeft = this->uriToPrefixMap.begin(); nsLeft != u2pEnd; ++nsLeft ) { XMP_cStringMapPos nsOther = this->prefixToURIMap.find ( nsLeft->second ); if ( (nsOther == p2uEnd) || (nsLeft != this->uriToPrefixMap.find ( nsOther->second )) ) { OutProcLiteral ( " ** bad namespace prefix ** " ); DumpClearString ( nsLeft->second, outProc, refCon ); break; } for ( XMP_cStringMapPos nsRight = nsLeft; nsRight != u2pEnd; ++nsRight ) { if ( nsRight == nsLeft ) continue; // ! Can't start at nsLeft+1, no operator+! if ( nsLeft->second == nsRight->second ) { OutProcLiteral ( " ** duplicate namespace prefix ** " ); DumpClearString ( nsLeft->second, outProc, refCon ); break; } } } } // XMP_NamespaceTable::Dump // ================================================================================================= static XMP_Bool matchdigit ( XMP_StringPtr text ) { if ( *text >= '0' && *text <= '9' ) return true; return false; } static XMP_Bool matchUpperCase ( XMP_StringPtr text ) { if ( *text >= 'A' && *text <= 'Z' ) return true; return false; } static XMP_Bool matchLowerCase ( XMP_StringPtr text ) { if ( *text >= 'a' && *text <= 'z' ) return true; return false; } /* matchhere: search for regexp at beginning of text */ static XMP_Bool matchhere ( XMP_StringPtr regexp, XMP_StringPtr text ) { if ( regexp[0] == '\0' ) return true; if ( regexp[0] == '\\' ) { if ( regexp[1] == 'd' ) { if ( matchdigit(text) ) return matchhere ( regexp+2, text+1 ); else return false; } else if ( regexp[1] == 'W' ) { if ( matchUpperCase(text) ) return matchhere ( regexp+2, text+1 ); else return false; } else if ( regexp[1] == 'w' ) { if ( matchLowerCase(text) ) return matchhere ( regexp+2, text+1 ); else return false; } } if ( regexp[0] == '$' && regexp[1] == '\0' ) return *text == '\0'; if ( *text != '\0' && regexp[0] == *text ) return matchhere ( regexp+1, text+1 ); return 0; } /* match: search for regexp anywhere in text */ static XMP_Bool match ( XMP_StringPtr regexp, XMP_StringPtr text ) { if ( regexp[0] == '^' ) return matchhere ( regexp+1, text ); do { /* must look even if string is empty */ if ( matchhere ( regexp, text ) ) return true; } while ( *text++ != '\0' ); return false; } XMP_Bool XMP_RegExp::Match ( XMP_StringPtr s ) { if ( regExpStr.size() == 0 ) return true; if ( s == NULL ) return false; return match ( this->regExpStr.c_str(), s ); } // =================================================================================================