#!/usr/bin/env bash ################### # Morgan Reece (Phillips) # mrrrgn.com # wiki.mrrrgn.com # # This script will notify the user when to work and when to rest # in intervals as specified in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pomodoro_Technique # notifications are sent out via terminal-notifier http://rubygems.org/gems/terminal-notifier # on OS X or the pynotify library on Linux. The script will also blacklist any domains listed # in a file named .pomodoro.urls.blacklist stored in the users home directory. #################### set -e SUDO_USER=${SUDO_USER}; # So we can run commands as non-root ### INVERVAL CONSTANTS ### WORK_INTERVAL_SEC=1500; # 25 minutes of work WORK_MSG="begin-working...."; REST_INTERVAL_SEC=300; # 5 minutes of rest REST_MSG="take-a-rest...."; SET_SIZE=4; # Take a long rest after this many iterations SET_INTERVAL_SEC=1200; # 15 minute post-set rest SET_MSG="set-has-ended...."; ### Set up OS Specific commands and variables ### if [ `uname` = "Darwin" ]; then ### OS X ### # Make sure terminal-notifier is installed if ! which terminal-notifier then gem install terminal-notifier; fi CMD="terminal-notifier -title -sound default -message"; # Because we can't count on ~ USER_HOME="/Users/$SUDO_USER/"; CMD_AS_USER="sudo -u $SUDO_USER"; # We need this for notifications to work else ### Debian/Linux ### USER_HOME="/home/$SUDO_USER/"; CMD_AS_USER=""; # Because Linux can run headless, a more complex # notification command is needed, that takes args, # so a function holds all of the logic. function linux_notify() { # A text only notification echo $1 | wall; } CMD="linux_notify"; if echo $DISPLAY 1>/dev/null; then if python -m notify2 2>/dev/null; then function linux_notify() { python -c "import notify2;notify2.init('psh');m=notify2.Notification('pomodoro.sh', $1);m.show();"; } fi fi fi ### FILE LOCATIONS ### BACKUPHOSTSFILE=.pomodoro.etc.hosts.bak; # store the unhampered hosts file here BLACKLIST=.pomodoro.urls.blacklist; # urls to blacklist during work PIDFILE=.pomodoro.pid; ### OS agnostic commands ### CMD_WORK_START="$CMD_AS_USER $CMD '$WORK_MSG'"; CMD_REST_START="$CMD_AS_USER $CMD '$REST_MSG'"; CMD_SET_END="$CMD_AS_USER $CMD '$SET_MSG'"; ### FUNCTIONS ### function root_check { if [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then echo "This script must be run as root" 1>&2; exit 1; fi } function blacklist_hosts_file { if test -f "$USER_HOME$BLACKLIST"; then cp /etc/hosts "$USER_HOME$BACKUPHOSTSFILE"; # A simple checksum for our backup if [ $(wc -l < /etc/hosts) = $(wc -l < "$USER_HOME$BACKUPHOSTSFILE") ]; then # Append our blacklist values cat "$USER_HOME$BLACKLIST" | awk '{print " "$1}' >> /etc/hosts; fi fi } function unblacklist_hosts_file { if test -f "$USER_HOME$BACKUPHOSTSFILE"; then # Overwrite the current hosts file with our backup cp "$USER_HOME$BACKUPHOSTSFILE" /etc/hosts; # rm the old backup file after a checksum if [ $(wc -l < /etc/hosts) = $(wc -l < "$USER_HOME$BACKUPHOSTSFILE") ]; then rm "$USER_HOME$BACKUPHOSTSFILE"; fi fi } ### Only attempt to run if we're root ### root_check; ### Start Working! ### if [ x"$1" = xstart ]; then if test -f "$USER_HOME$PIDFILE"; then exit; fi echo $$ > "$USER_HOME$PIDFILE" while true; do for i in $(seq 1 $SET_SIZE); do # Work starts blacklist_hosts_file; $CMD_WORK_START; $CMD_AS_USER sleep $WORK_INTERVAL_SEC; # Rest starts unblacklist_hosts_file; $CMD_REST_START; $CMD_AS_USER sleep $REST_INTERVAL_SEC; done # Set interval ends here $CMD_SET_END; $CMD_AS_USER sleep $SET_INTERVAL_SEC; done elif [ x"$1" = xstop ]; then # Cleanup hosts file and die. unblacklist_hosts_file; PID=$(cat $USER_HOME$PIDFILE); rm -f $USER_HOME$PIDFILE kill -9 $PID; fi