path: root/published/Webmonkey/Monkey_Bites/2006/10.23.05/Fri
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-In my [review of Google's Customized Search][2] feature the other day I mentioned in passing that it'd be nice to have access to such functionality from the Google search field in Safari's toolbar. Last night I stumbled across a Safari add-on called [Acid Search][1] which allows you to do just that. Just download and install Acid Search and the next time you restart Safari you'll have a customizable search menu in your toolbar. Acid Search comes with a whole boatload of predefined search customizations, which it calls "search channels" and allows you to add your own. It's a handy way to switch between searching Google, Technorati, and any other site you want to add. Even better, you can add prefix and suffix terms to your urls. For instance if you'd like to search Google but add the suffix string that [GMBMG][3] adds you can create and search with the normal Google search URL and then add GMBMG's <code>-inurl</code> terms in the suffix field (just make sure you use the URL encoded string). Acid Search also allows you to assign each custom search channel a keyboard shortcut so it's simple to switch between your various search engines. If you're aware of similar functionality for Firefox or IE let me know in the comments. [1]: "Acid Search" [2]: [3]: "Give Me Back My Google" \ No newline at end of file
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@@ -1 +0,0 @@ is the social bookmarking site that started the whole trend and it remains one of the most popular. Thanks to its handy search and sharing features, is also an interesting site to explore even if you don't use it. ####How it Works The process of saving a bookmark is simple. Just drag' bookmarklets to your browser toolbar and, whenever you're on a site you want to bookmark, click the button and it will be automatically added to your account. The bookmarklet will take you to the "post" page on where you can then fill any additional information you want to add such as a description, notes, tags and privacy setting. By default sets all your bookmarks to public which means anyone can see what you've bookmarked. If you'd like to make them private you need to check the "do not share" box when you create a new bookmark. also auto-suggests tags that might fit your bookmark which can save you some typing. Once you've saved your bookmark, will return you to the page you were viewing. The whole process is actually much simpler than it may sound; it takes far more time to describe it than to actually do it. ####Give the People What They Want Once your bookmarks are in you can share them in a variety of ways. There's a search feature that pulls in results from everyone's bookmarks including yours. And you can also search just your bookmarks to find that lost site you've been looking for. also allows you to share your bookmarks with designated people through a feature called "your network." To add people to your network you just enter their screenname, and viola! their (public) bookmarks will be added to your "network" page. Your network is useful for sharing with friends, family and coworkers, but if you want to see everyone's bookmarks, tags are the way to go. To do this you can use the subscriptions feature. Subscriptions can be by tag, person or both. In other words you can limit a subscription to just Uncle Albert's bookmarks tagged "deer trophies" or you could subscribe to all bookmarks tagged "deer trophies" and so on. It's also possible to designate individual bookmarks for other users. When you save a new bookmark if you add a for:username tag to it, they will see your bookmark under the "for you" link the next time they log in. This sharing feature works for both public and private bookmarks Nearly every page in has an RSS feed of some sort, whether it' by tag, user, your network or your subscriptions you can always stay up-to-date via your RSS reader. There's also a nice backend API if you'd like to access your account directly with outside programs. ####Personal Gripes I may be overly anal or perhaps just old-fashioned, but I rather like putting my bookmarks in folders. I suppose you could argue that tags are a kind of folder, at least on the metaphorical level, but tags are really the only organizational tool offers. The newly redesigned Yahoo Bookmarks has folders though, and since Yahoo owns it's possible this feature could find it's way to at some point. Many people complain about' rather primitive interface, other people love the minimalist look, you'll have to decide for yourself, but in terms of functionality, has been, and continues to be, one of the sites to beat. ####The Low Down **Pros** * Simple and easy to use * Good sharing features * Nice backend API **Cons** * Not enough organizational options * No screen captures (The bookmarks on the main page have them, but individual pages don't) * Bookmarked pages aren't cached \ No newline at end of file
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-Here's a tip for you torrent junkies out there: [FullTorrent][1] is a torrent search engine that returns results for multiple torrent trackers all in one handy spot. One of the annoying things about torrents is that the trackers are often spread all across the web making it time consuming to search each site individually. FullTorrent makes it easy to search over half a dozen such trackers in one spot. And if FullTorrent doesn't currently search your favorite tracker, you can send them a note asking them to add it. FullTorrent also allows you to set the timeout limit for your search to avoid long page loads for those sites that respond slowly. The one downside to FullTorrent is it doesn't take you straight to the actual torrent, but dumps you on the hosting page for whatever site is tracking that torrent. While this is slightly annoying, it's still better than searching each site individually. And please, there are a lot of perfectly legal torrents, let's limit ourselves to those, mmmkay? [1]: "" \ No newline at end of file
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-* Myspace founder Brad Greenspan has acquired the majority stake in [Flurl][1]. * [Youtube][2] has undergone a partial redesign. While the homepage remains unchanged, other sections are a bit more colorful with "channels" and "groups" now under colored headers. * Apple [announced a new AJAX webmail interface][3] for its .Mac members complete with drag-and-drop, keyboard shortcuts and more. Welcome to the 21st century Apple. * The Google blog is announcing a [new Google Alert for blogs][4]. Type in your search params and Google Alert will send you an email whenever there's a new post that fits your search. [1]: "" [2]: "" [3]: ".Mac webmail update" [4]: "Google Alerts" \ No newline at end of file
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-Today and continuing into next week I'll be taking a look at various social bookmarking sites out there. I'm familiar with [][1] and [ma.gnolia][2] since I use both of them and I'll also be looking at [Wink][3] and [StumbleUpon][4], but what other sites are people using? I think we'll probably limit this specifically to sites that let you share bookmarks with other people. Services like Yahoo's Bookmarks and Google Bookmarks are more *storage* sites than *sharing* sites, but I'm sure there are other bookmark sharing sites out there that I don't know about so here's your chance to educate me. And while we're at it, can anyone explain why social bookmarking sites like to put dots in their name? [Note that our comments feature strips out html so just type the address in directly and it'll show up.] [1]: "" [2]: "Ma.gnolia" [3]: "" [4]: "StumpleUpon" \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/published/Webmonkey/Monkey_Bites/2006/10.23.05/Fri/social-icons.jpg b/published/Webmonkey/Monkey_Bites/2006/10.23.05/Fri/social-icons.jpg
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-A new version of [Ubuntu Linux has been released][2]. This brings the popular distro to version 6.10 and adds several welcome new features. Ubuntu now ships with Firefox 2.0 installed as well as version 2.8 of the Evolution mail client. Ubuntu 6.1 also features F-Spot, a nice looking photo organizer that can upload to many popular photo sharing sites including Flickr. Also included is the very handy Tomboy, a wiki-style note taking tool. For full details see the [6.1 release notes][1]. The new version promises faster boot times and features a new optimized kernal and GNOME 2.16. I've been playing around with running various Linux distributions under Parallels on my MacBook and I can definitely say if you've never used Linux before, Ubuntu is a great place to start. Disk images and torrent files can be downloaded from [the Ubuntu site][3]. [1]: "New Ubuntu Released" [2]: "Release Announcement for Ubuntu 6.10" [3]: "Download Ubuntu 6.10" \ No newline at end of file