path: root/published/Webmonkey/Monkey_Bites/2007/01.01.05/Wed
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-Being that it's Mac Month and all, I thought I'd get around to writing up a little Mac software gem I've been meaning to review for some time -- [Imagewell][1]. The first thing I did when I started writing for Monkey Bites was go hunting for something that would let me quickly resize and save screen grabs since pretty much every post has at least one screen grab. Sure I could do it with Photoshop, but that seemed something akin to swatting a mosquito with a sledgehammer. Then I found Imagewell, a lightweight image processing program perfect for simple picture manipulations that don't require the bulk of something like Photoshop. Not only is Imagewell capable of the simple resize tasks I need to do, but it can actually take the screen captures as well and even autoloads them into an editing window. When you open Imagewell you'll see a small window where you can drag and drop your images (you can even drag them from iPhoto and other image programs). Once you have the image you want to work with, Imagewell makes it easy to crop, resize, compress, watermark, add drop shadows, add a border, add text, add labels and more. Once you have your image looking the way you want it, Imagewell can save it to .jpg, .png or .tiff formats. Imagewell also offers a variety of export-to-the-web options including the ability to upload straight to a server using FTP. Once you upload your image Imagewell copies the corresponding url to the clipboard making it easy to paste the link into a blog post. The export features would be perfect if you have FTP access to your blog, which you probably do since not having FTP access would be vaguely insane. Grumble. ImageWell isn't going to replace Photoshop, but it’s a great tool for lightweight image editing. Imagewell is free, although for a small fee you can unlock some nice [additional options and features][2]. [1]: "Imagewell, the Free and Lean Image Editor" [2]: "Imagewell paid features" \ No newline at end of file
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-Apple computer is [facing a new lawsuit][1] in the U.S. which claims that tying the iTunes Store to the iPod violates anti-trust laws. The suit was filed by a user, Melanie Tucker, but the case trying to get class action status. The core of the claim is that Apple violates anti-trust laws by refusing to allow music sold on the iTunes Store to play with other manufacturer's MP3 devices. The lawsuit also alleges that Apple does not make it clear to customers that files downloaded from the iTunes store will only work with an iPod. Before someone blasts me in the comments, let's be clear, yes you can strip the DRM and convert iTunes Store bought music to MP3, but that's a hack and not something Apple supports. Apple tried to get the lawsuit dismissed back in November but a judge rejected that request on December 20. Apple already faces a [similar lawsuit][2] filed in France and several Scandinavian countries are [reportedly][3] preparing similar cases. What I'd like to know is how much of this alleged monopoly is a result of Apple's decisions and how much of it comes from restrictions and DRM requirements that the recording industry wanted in place? Obviously from a legal standpoint, who made things the way they are doesn't really matter, but if the iTunes Music store sold DRM-free MP3s this lawsuit would disappear and the world would be a happier place. Bad Apple, no doughnut. [2]:,70436-0.html "French Law Seeks Interoperability" [1]: "Class-action suit alleges that Apple violates antitrust laws" [3]: "Apple responds to Nordic iTunes complaints" \ No newline at end of file
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-<img alt="Any_key_3" title="Any_key_3" src="" border="0" style="float: right; margin: 0px 0px 5px 5px;" />The Morning Reboot, now with fat-free cream cheese: * Wifi is like sand -- it gets everywhere. Wired has a nice [rundown on beaches][2] offering wifi access. My dream of global wifi is coming together grain by grain. [2]:,72371-0.html?tw=rss.index "Where to catch some Wi-Fi waves" * The Washington Research Foundation (which markets tech produced by the University of Washington) is [suing Nokia, Samsung and Panasonic][3] for violating a patent for Bluetooth technology. The suit seeks damages from the mobile phone maker for using a radio frequency technology without paying royalties. [3]: "Nokia and others sued over bluetooth" * The Dutch have [banned Segways from public roads][4]. Frankly it's just as well, you Segway people have no idea how ridiculous you look on those things. [4]: "Dutch ban Segway" * Here at Monkey Bites we've decided that January is [Mac Month][6]. Other folks are more specific and have declared January the [Month Of Apple Bugs][5] (MOAB). MOAB's mission is the highlight flaws in Apple's OS X operating system and other Mac software. Before the fanboys freak (probably too late), remember that finding bugs is good, it leads to fixing bugs. [5]: "The Month of Apple Bugs" [6]: "Mac Month at Monkey Bites" * [][1] is a new site designed to help those contemplating Linux as an alternative to Windows and Mac operating systems. The site aims to present Linux and open source software as viable alternatives to the system on your computer. [1]: \ No newline at end of file
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-Continuing this week's Tutorial 'o the Day theme of XHTML, today's focus is semantics. Semantics refers to the meaning of an element and how that meaning describes the content it contains. Probably the easiest example is an html list. The following two snippets of code can be displayed identically in a browser: <pre><code>&lt;p&gt;list item &lt;br /&gt; list item &lt;/p&gt; </code></pre> <pre><code> &lt;ul&gt; &lt;li&gt;list item&lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt;list item&lt;/li&gt; &lt;/ul&gt; </code></pre> While to the human eye these may look the same, the later actually conveys information about what it is through the markup --i.e. it's a list. While good semantics aren't necessarily a feature of XHTML (they're important even in HTML) as long as you're re-coding you may as well start using semantically meaningful markup. If you'd like to see some bad semantic markup just view source on this page. Note how the post title is encoded: <span class="title">Tutorial 'O The Day: XHTML</span><br> Because we can use visual clues like font size and typeface to help us, most humans can find the title fairly easily, but what if you're a silly robot, like a search engine spider? You'd have no clue that this line of code is the title of the post. Why should you care? Do you like your pages to rank high in search engine indexes? Well, then you should care because robots rely on tags to tell them what is the main focus of the page. In the case of the Wired blog templates, our content is semantically no different than the ads being served with it. That, as my friend likes to say, = bad. So what should the post title be wrapped in? Well something like <code>&lt;h1&gt;Title&lt;/h1&gt;</code> would be one option. To get up to speed on the usefulness of semantically meaningful XHTML, check out the article, [*Semantics, HTML, XHTML, and Structure*][2] over at Brainstorms &amp; Raves, which gives a through rundown of how, when and why to use various (X)HTML tags. Also a good read: Molly Holzschlag's [tutorial][1] on And since we're talking about semantics let me clarify one point, while you can and should try to write semantically meaningful XHTML, XHTML is not *technically* a semantic language. Because it isn't a true semantic language, there's lots of gray areas where several tags may both be legitimate choices. Web designer and author Dan Cederholm ran a [series of articles][3] a while back that attempt to parse out the gray, but as the the comments on his site demonstrate, some things will always be debatable. [3]: "SimpleQuiz Archives" [2]: "Semantics, HTML, XHTML, and Structure" [1]: "The Meaning of Semantics (Take I)" \ No newline at end of file