* Mobile Video site [Veeker][6] launches today. * Struggling podcast site [Odeo][1] was acquired today by [Obvious Corp][2] a new company founded by, among others, Odeo's own founder Evan Williams * Social music service [iLike][3] launched its public beta last night. Similar to Last.fm, iLike is a social networking site built around the music you listen to. iLike helps connect you with emerging artists based on similarities with music you already like. * Adobe Labs has release a public beta for a new piece of software it calls [SoundBooth][4]. Soundbooth is designed to allow you to easily clean up and edit your audio recordings. * And finally here's something for the bored: [all 200,000 Enron emails][5] in a searchable database. From Trampoline: "The Enron Explorer lets you investigate the actions and reactions of Enron's senior management team as the noose began to tighten." [1]: http://odeo.com/ "odeo.com" [2]: http://obviouscorp.com/ "Obvious Corp" [3]: http://www.ilike.com/ "iLike.com" [4]: http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/soundbooth/ "Adobe Soundbooth Beta" [5]: http://enron.trampolinesystems.com/ "Browse Enron emails" [6]: http://veeker.com/veeker/Login.html "Veeker.com"