The Nightly Build, compiling the headlines that got away. * In addition to [partnering with NASA][1], Google also [announced][2] it has acquired [Endoxon][3] a European mapping company. According to the Google Blog, the Endoxon acquisition will "enhance Google geo products worldwide." * Gizmodo wasn't lying, they were just misleading us in a crass attempt to generate page hits over the weekend (judging by comments on Digg, this may have been a bad idea on Gizmodo's part). Anyway Yes, the iPhone [arrived][4] today. The iPhone being a rather dull VoIP phone from Linksys, not the much rumored cellphone from Apple. * The [Digital Watermarking Alliance][7] has come out in favor selling music in the MP3 format using . See Wired's [Listening Post][6] for more details. * A company called KishKish has released a lie detector plugin for Skype. Ryan Singel over at Wired blog 27B Stroke 6 wants your help [testing it][5]. [1]: "Monkey Bites on Google NASA deal" [2]: "Google Blog On Endoxon acquisition" [3]: "Endoxon" [4]: "The iPhone" [5]: "Help 27B Stroke 6" [6]: "Listening Post on Digital Watermarking Alliance announcement" [7]: "Digital Watermarking Alliance"