Web 2.0! Startups! Venture capital funding for all! If you still have your lunch down at the bottom of your stomach then you may not see the humor in [Vojosalsa][1], but the rest of you swallowing and looking for a glass of juice will probably love it. From the site: "written with just ONE LINE OF CODE using 'Ruby on Rails' on rails, Vojosalsa epitomizes the 'less is more' Web 2.0 philosophy. In fact, when it comes to online services, we are quite possibly the least, and thus, most." And my personal favorite: "Wow. It seems like only this morning we put the final touches on the drop shadow and shading of our logo. I can't believe that that was actually yesterday afternoon…" Enjoy. [1]: http://www.vojosalsa.com/ "Vojosalsa"