NightlybuildThe Nightly Build: * Harvard is [now offering][1] a select set of course content free to general public and available via the newly created [Harvard niche][2] at the iTunes Store. [1]: "Have You Ever Wanted to Take a Course at Harvard?" [2]: "iTunes Harvard Store" * TorrentFreak [reports][3] that the Dutch are considering an internet tax as a way to compensate record companies for piracy. Hopefully the U.S. government won't do likewise since the history of government subsidies to prop up dying industries is not pretty. [3]: "Holland Considers Banning DRM, Legalizing Filesharing" * The W3C and OASIS have joined up to release a new [web standard for industrial graphics][4]. Industrial graphics refers to technical illustrations in electronic documents, specifically WebCGM, which is widely deployed in the defense, aviation, architecture, and transportation industries. [4]: "W3C and OASIS Jointly Issue New Web Standard for Industrial Graphics" * TSIA: [Robot parking garage to open in New York][5]. [5]: "Robot parking garage to open in New York"