Elsewhere on Wired: * Cult of Mac's Pete Mortensen dares to dig into [the differences between Mac and PC color rendering][1]. I'm a afraid I gave up on this one long ago, my first move on any new Mac system is to set the gamma to 2.2. [1]: http://blog.wired.com/cultofmac/2007/02/good_intentions.html "Good Intentions Make Macs Display Web Photos Wonkily" * Autopia [reports][3] that Volvo will soon begin manufacturing hybrid electric garbage trucks that use 30 percent less fuel. Gothenburg and Stockholm will serve as the test cities for the project. [3]: http://blog.wired.com/cars/2007/02/coming_from_vol.html "Coming From Volvo: Hybrid-Electric Garbage Trucks" * Table of Malcontents' John Brownlee has a suggestion for those trying to learn a foreign tongue, [read a familiar novel][4] in that language. My friend who speaks seven languages swears by this technique, though she also admits that having a strong background in Latin helps. [4]: http://blog.wired.com/tableofmalcontents/2007/02/je_suis_voldemo.html "Je Suis Voldemort" * Listening Post tells you [how to explain DRM to your dad][5]. [5]: http://blog.wired.com/music/2007/02/how_to_explain_.html "How to Explain DRM to Your Dad" * Bodyhack has the best headline today: [This Just In: Pot Makes You Cough][2]. You don't say, [2]: http://blog.wired.com/biotech/2007/02/this_just_in_po.html "This Just In: Pot Makes You Cough"