Elsewhere on Wired: * It was wildly reported today that Michael Crook, the "internet griefer who deluged web hosting providers with false copyright takedown notices over an unflattering television screenshot," as Ryan Singel of 27B Stroke 6 puts it, has agreed to retract all the notices as part of a settlement with the EEF. However, [according to Singel][1] there are further terms which have not yet been disclosed -- we can hardly wait. [1]: http://blog.wired.com/27bstroke6/2007/02/dmca_abuser_ret.html "DMCA Abuser Retracts" * Speaking lawsuits, Listening Post's Eliot Van Buskirk [points out][2] that a new website from the RIAA, P2PLawsuits.com, which is currently a parked domain hosted by GoDaddy, is serving up ads for P2P clients. Oh sweet irony. [2]: http://blog.wired.com/music/2007/02/riaa_to_launch_.html "RIAA to Launch P2PLawsuits.com" * Table of Malcontents as cool [painting of unknown origin][3] that reminds a bit of something Henry Darger would have painted. [3]: http://blog.wired.com/tableofmalcontents/2007/02/deviant_artists.html "Deviant Artists of the Day: Jorge and Alma???" * Bodyhack has coverage of my favorite but of news for the day: [Midday naps good for your health][4]. [4]: http://blog.wired.com/biotech/2007/02/check_out_in_mi.html "Check Out in Midday and Live Longer?"