Elsewhere on Wired: * Wired's Kevin Axline has your Valentine's day guide to [winning the heart of your Flickr crush][4], along with some hilarious recommendation and photographs. We at Monkeybites are of the opinion that there's a good chance your Flickr crush is actually some sort of art/sociology project designed to mess with your head and create an online persona similar to lonelygirl15 -- especially if your crush happens to be the [preternaturally talented Miss Aniela][5]. Of course we've been wrong once or twice. [4]: http://blog.wired.com/wiredphotos41/ "How To Turn Your Flickr Crush Into Real Romance" [5]: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ndybisz/ "Miss Aniela's photos" * Which reminds me, I've been meaning to say this for some time: Flickr is the new MySpace. OMG! * Anyway. Table of Malcontents wins today's best title (they always win best title, damn them) for this ditty: [Parasitology of Blogging][6]. "In the sea of the internet, blogging is a million lampreys sucking on the bloated cephalopod of a giant squid feeding upon the tiny Nautilus of a single unique thought." Yup, that about covers it. [6]: http://blog.wired.com/tableofmalcontents/2007/02/parasitology_of.html "Parasitology of Blogging" * Talk about getting screwed, 27B Stroke 6 reports that travel author Edward Hasbrouck was invited to attend the aviation security summit in Washington yesterday, paid his own way, sat quietly in the back and was then [ejected][1] because his name tag read: Author. Wired reporter Bob Usselman was [barred at the door][2] along with the rest of the press. [1]: http://blog.wired.com/27bstroke6/2007/02/aviation_lockou.html "Aviation Lockout Update" [2]: http://blog.wired.com/27bstroke6/2007/02/aviation_securi.html "Aviation Security Conference Closed to Undesirables" * Cult of Mac has a [hands on review][3] of the new Airport Extreme -- sounds pretty sweet. [3]: http://blog.wired.com/cultofmac/2007/02/review_new_airp.html "Review: New Airport Extreme Completely Rules "