Here's the strangest thing I've seen in a while, a U.S. based company announced last week that they have [created a wireless blocking paint][1]. Contrary to what you might think, the intended use is not to help those who claim wifi signals induce headaches, but rather as a means of containing the signal within a building. A bit of digging reveals that WiFi blocking paint is not a new idea. In fact security expert [Bruce Schneier notes][2] an [Information Week article][3] on similar technology way back in 2004. The company mentioned in that article is even [still in business][4]. The chief problems with wifi-blocking paint appear to be, powerful antennas can generally still pull out a signal, mobile reception inside the building is most likely equally blocked and then there's whole problem with windows. According to this press release from EM-SEC, the makers of this new wifi shielding paint: >The tests demonstrated that intellectual property can no longer be stolen through the airwaves while inside an EM-SEC-coated facility. The results showed that a one-time application of the EM-SEC Coating creates an "electromagnetic fortress" by preventing airborne hackers from intercepting signals. To be honest I can't even tell if the press release is a hoax or not. I don't think it is but the outlandish claims do seem a bit much. Either way if you believe the above statement please contact Michael and I using the links to the right as we have some valuable antique bridge hardware you will absolutely love. On a serious note, I wonder is putting a coat of this paint, say on the bedroom walls, would help the folks that claim wifi signals give them migraines and other health problems? [photo credit][5] [1]: "EM-SEC Technologies Announces Successful Test of Wireless-Blocking Paint" [2]: "Wi-Fi Shielding Paint" [3]: " Startup Markets Wireless-Security Paint" [4]: "Force Field Wireless" [5]: "Flickr: Free wifi"