The Google Code Blog announced the [release of four open source coding tools][1] yesterday. the announcement is part of an ongoing Google program of releasing infrastructure tools as open source software. All of the tools are hosted on the [Google Code project][2] and are available for download. For the most part these are highly geeky C++ tools meant for serious developers, I've included a complete list after the jump. Yesterday's release includes: * **[gflags][3]**: Command line flags module for C++. Gflags is intended replacement for getopt() and is implemented in both C++ and Python. * **[perftools][4]**: Fast, mutli-threaded malloc() and performance analysis tools. Along with TC Malloc, perftools also contains a Heap Checker, Heap Profiler, and a CPU Profiler. * **[sparsehash][5]**: A memory-efficient hash map implementation. The SparseHash package contains several hash-map implementations, including one implementation that optimizes for space, and another that optimizes for speed. * **[ctemplate][6]**: A simple but powerful template language for C++. [1]: "Four Google open source tools on Google Code" [2]: "Google Code Hosting" [3]: "gflags" [4]: "perftools" [5]: "sparsehash" [6]: "ctemplate"