For Twitter fans [unfazed by the potential security vulnerabilities][1], [FeedBlitz][2] has [announced a new service][3] that allows Twitter users to get RSS updates via the popular web service. Twitter syndication from FeedBlitz posts the relevant entries to your Twitter timeline as "tweets." The Feedblitz service is available only to FeedBlitz premium publishers. Every premium publisher's subscription signup form now automatically allows subscribers to choose between email or Twitter notification. The 140 character limit of Twitter puts a severe cramp on the amount of info displayed, but FeedBlitz says that it will attempt to include the article's title, source and as much of the body text as possible. Perhaps the nicest touch is the inclusion of a [tinyurl][4] link to the article. As our friends at Epicenter [point out][5] Twitter has not only jumped the shark in terms of "Twitter-everything-in-any-way-you-can hype," but seems to be brings the boat back around for yet another go. Regardless Twitter junkies will no doubt enjoy adding RSS feeds to their Twitter accounts. If your favorite blog doesn't have a FeedBlitz premium account, and since Compiler doesn't this means you, have a look at some [other RSS to Twitter tools][6] we've covered in the past. [1]: "Twitter Vulnerability: Spoof Caller ID To Take Over Any Account" [2]: "FeedBlitz" [3]: "New Feature: Twitter!" [4]: "tiny url" [5]: "FeedBlitz Marries Blogs With Twitter" [6]: "Put Your Blog on Twitter"