We at Compiler do love us some truly useless nerd games/tools/programs, so I was very excited to run across the following video of [NetQos's][5] network traffic monitoring system, [Netcosm][4]. NetQoS has transformed their network monitoring interface into a Tron-style arcade game of epic proportions. Unfortunately the system is not available to the general public, for the time being it only runs on their servers but there's an [FAQ][3] that gives some more details about how it works. If you're interested in similar network traffic toys see our coverage of [Sound of Traffic][1] which converts network traffic packets into sounds, complete with virtual instruments and mixing tools. And check out the NetQoS video after the jump. [via [Techcrunch][2]] [1]: http://blog.wired.com/monkeybites/2007/02/sound_of_traffi.html "Compiler: Sound of Traffic" [2]: http://www.techcrunch.com/2007/04/10/watch-your-network-play-space-invaders/ "Watch Your Network Play Space Invaders" [3]: http://www.netperformance.com/content.aspx?id=2690&cb_name=1 "Frequently Asked Questions About Netcosm" [4]: http://www.netqos.com/network%2Dmonitoring/network-monitoring-labs.html "Netcosm" [5]: http://www.netqos.com/ "NetQoS"