MySpace has announced it will acquire Photobucket for $250 million, officially bringing the photo sharing site into the MySpace fold. Photobucket has been looking for a buyer for several months and after a dispute last month which led to [MySpace blocking Photobucket images and video][3], the two companies apparently hashed out a deal. For more coverage of the business angles, check out Epicenter which [covered the rumors][1] that surfaced yesterday regarding the buyout. At the risk of being alarmist, Photobucket as a MySpace property doesn't bode well for users who aren't fans of Rubert Murdoch's underage playground. Techcrunch [reports][4] that roughly 1.8 million of Photobucket’s visitors don't currently visit MySpace, and for them the deal could ruin sharing on non-MySpace properties. While no plans have yet been announced, it seems likely that Photobucket could morph into a MySpace-only property. For those Photobucket users thinking it might be time to do more with your photos, have a look at our [Flickr coverage of late][2]. While Photobucket is primarily about hosting your images, Flickr offers a number of options that go far beyond image hosting, enabling you to share your images with the internet at large. [1]: "Rumor Control: MySpace Takes Photobucket?" [2]: "Here Are 4 Reasons You'll Love Flickr" [3]: "MySpace Is Blocking Photobucket Videos" [4]: "MySpace/Photobucket: User Overlap Is Nearly 100%"