When it rains... Following two updates for Mac virtualization software, Apple has released an update for Boot Camp, the company's software for running a Windows installation on your Mac. Boot Camp is [still a beta][1] and the usual warnings apply. Boot Camp beta 1.3 adds support for the newly released Macbook Pros and features upgraded graphics drivers, an improved installer and some localization fixes. I had no problem installing the update, though I should also note that I haven't actually noticed any difference either. Upgrading Boot Camp is a little tricky, make sure you read the instructions thoroughly, and check out our [post on the last beta update][2] which has some installation tips as well as some gotchas to watch out for. [1]: http://www.apple.com/macosx/bootcamp/ "Boot Camp public beta" [2]: http://blog.wired.com/monkeybites/2007/03/first_look_boot.html "First Look: Boot Camp Vista Support"