Another bit of iPhone news: Apple has [posted a developer's guide][1] for those looking to build web applications optimized for the iPhone. With a number of apps already "iPhonified," it would seem that iPhone optimization is mainly a matter of dumbing down your web app for Safari. Here's a quick list of things Safari on the iPhone doesn't support: >* window.showModalDialog() * Mouse-over events * Hover styles * Tool tips * Java applets * Flash * Plug-in installation * Custom x.509 certificates One thing Apple omits from this list is that Safari for the iPhone can't download anything. Apparently downloading files is not part of Apple's definition of a "full fledged browser." After reading through Apple's documentation and guidelines, I realized the killer hack for the iPhone is going to be installing Opera Mini. Still as the apps [listed in our poll demonstrate][2], despite the shortcomings it is possible to build at least semi-useful apps for the iPhone. [1]: "Develop For the iPhone" [2]: "Vote: Best Web Apps for the iPhone"