The process of downloading bittorrent files continues to baffle many people, despite some pretty easy-to-use options. For those that just can't seem to figure it out, [BitLet][1] offers a dead-simple method of downloading torrent files directly from your browser -- no external programs or browser add-ons needed. Feed BitLet the URL of a .torrent file and it will download the file using a web-based interface that opens in a pop-up window. The interface will ask where you'd like to save the file and then the download starts. You'll be able to monitor speeds (which were quite good in my testing) and progress, though there's no peer data or any in-depth information. It's no replacement for a desktop-based client if you're serious about your torrents, but if you don't want to explain the bittorrent process to your clueless co-worker, sending them a BitLet URL can spare you the pain. It would also be handy for work environments where there might not be a bittorrent client installed. BitLet does require that you have the latest Java VM browser plug-in installed on your system, but Vista and OS X ship with everything you'll need. Depending on the last time you updated XP you may need to grab the [latest version of the Java VM plug-in][4]. BitLet even includes a [very nice code generator][3] for making links which you can then e-mail or post on your site for others to download. Here's a sample of some BitLet generated code to start downloading the Intel version of Ubuntu Desktop 7.0.4. [via [TorrentFreak][2]] [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: