there are two things that keep html5 from fulfilling its promise, one is the gaps around a standardized codecs and the feature adoption rate by browsers. there's a technical standards we haven't seen existing standards the market waits for stability in the spec, but I think we're in great shape... the market has never needed a completed, perfect spec, they need something that meets their needs. we work hard towards a web toward a standardized platform... in looking at our statistics we identified a We share the same goal -- having users updated to the latest version. (buildign with html) makes sense to the degree that you're committed to the future of the web the threshold for a giving developer index database web sockets offline hardware accelerated in the alphas there's no reason the web shouldn't take advantage of all the power on your computer. the best thing that could happen to html5 right now is for internet explorer to support the rest of it Othereise it's going to be continuing to have these great conversations we're going to see the chicken and the egg 40% of the web can take advantage of HTML5. There's a ton of momentum behind it and it's well justified momentum. flash runs in firefox mobile. the future of the web is the web, betting against the web is a bad idea.