* Myspace founder Brad Greenspan has acquired the majority stake in [Flurl][1]. * [Youtube][2] has undergone a partial redesign. While the homepage remains unchanged, other sections are a bit more colorful with "channels" and "groups" now under colored headers. * Apple [announced a new AJAX webmail interface][3] for its .Mac members complete with drag-and-drop, keyboard shortcuts and more. Welcome to the 21st century Apple. * The Google blog is announcing a [new Google Alert for blogs][4]. Type in your search params and Google Alert will send you an email whenever there's a new post that fits your search. [1]: http://www.flurl.com/ "Flurl.com" [2]: http://www.youtube.com/index "YouTube.com" [3]: http://www.mac.com/web/en/Tips/825D5958-DE09-499C-94A5-6FC8839DA398.html ".Mac webmail update" [4]: http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2006/10/on-alert-for-bloggers.html "Google Alerts"