I somehow missed the announcement on this one (they told me this rock came with free wireless, but that turned out to be false), and just now discovered a service by the name of [Free411][1]. Free411 allows you to make free directory assistance calls provided you're willing to sit through a fifteen second ad. With most phone service providers charging upward of $1.25 per call, Free411 is a welcome relief (and should scare the daylights out of the already struggling telecom industry which rakes in $8 billion a year on 411 calls alone). I just gave it a shot and indeed it works as advertised. After you make your request and before you get your answer you have have to sit through fifteen seconds of adverts. I guess the real question is, what do you value more -- those fifteen seconds of your time, or the $1.25 traditional 411 charges? [1]: http://www.free411.com/index.php "Call information for free"