Buenos Dias Capt. Crunch. Here's your morning reboot. * [Apple computer announced][1] that "its entire MacBook Pro line of notebooks now includes the new Intel Core 2 Duo processor and delivers performance that is up to 39 percent faster than the previous generation." * Google launched a customized search service this morning. Called [Google Co-op][2], the service allows a user to create and launch a search engine with just a few specific websites included in the results. * [IBM is suing Amazon][3] over some e-commerce patents, most notably the technology that powers the product recommendation features. * CrunchGear is reporting an interesting rumor (note that, *rumor*) that Microsoft's upcoming [Zune mp3 player will offer referral payments][4] which you can cash in for free songs or other items from the Zune Marketplace. * [1]: http://www.apple.com/pr/library/2006/oct/24macbookpro.html "New Macbook Pros" [2]: http://www.google.com/coop/cse/ "Google Co-op" [3]: http://www.cio-today.com/story.xhtml?story_id=47239 "IBM sues Amazon" [4]: http://crunchgear.com/2006/10/23/zune-to-pay-you-back-for-sharing-songs/ "Earn credits for sharing music? Maybe."