* [YouTube removed all Comedy Central materials][5] from the site over the weekend. All Daily Show, Colbert Report and South Park clips are gone, instead you'll now see a message stating "This video has been removed due to terms of use violation." All good things end when the suits arrive. * On a similar note, [MySpace is expected to announce a partnership with Gracenote][6] today. Gracenote will help MySpace "detect and block copyrighted music from being posted on MySpace member pages." [via [TechCrunch][7]] * The very first global [Internet Governance Forum][1] gets together starting today to discuss the future of the internet [via [LifeHacker][2]] * [Minglenow][8] is a new social networking site based around the club and bar scene, providing yet another excellent resource for stalkers. [via [Mashable][9]] * The NBA kicks off its season this week and with that in mind here's a link to a set of [RSS feeds from the official NBA website][3]. [via [MicroPersuasion][4]] [1]: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/6087174.stm "The BBC of the Internet Governance Forum" [2]: http://www.lifehacker.com/ "LifeHacker" [3]: http://www.nba.com/rss/index.html "NBA RSS feeds" [4]: http://www.micropersuasion.com/2006/10/sports_finds.html "MicroPersuatsion.com" [5]: http://www.newscloud.com/read/75528 "YouTube Removes Comedy Central materials" [6]: http://www.techcrunch.com/2006/10/29/myspace-moves-to-protect-copyright-holders/ "TechCrunch: MySpace Moves to Protect Copyright Holders" [7]: http://www.techcrunch.com/ "TechCrunch" [8]: http://minglenow.com/ "Minglenow.com" [9]: http://mashable.com/2006/10/30/minglenow-launches-myspace-for-events-and-nightlife/