DIY design enthusiast's unite, you now have your own social network for sharing design tips, trick and projects -- [][1]. Curbly offers the familiar features of social networking sites, a blog, profile page, photos etc. Curbly also offers what it calls "clippings," for grabbing photos around the web. Just put the Curbly bookmarklet in your toolbar and next time you see a photo you'd like to save, click the bookmark and you're away. the clippings feature works quite well too, I click a page rather than a photo and Curbly pulled out all the photos on the page and asked which one I wanted. But the focus of the site is sharing design tips and home-decor projects with other users. if anyone has seen the DIY Photo Wall project that I've come across on several sites lately, well, that [comes from a Curbly user][2]. I discovered everything from bathroom remodeling tips to how to [make window blinds out of punch cards][3]. If you're looking to spruce up your home or just want a new DIY project for the weekend, Curbly is a good place to start. [1]: "" [2]: "Easy Photo Wall Project" [3]: "Curbly project: window blinds out of computer punch cards"