Any_key_3A bookstore employee said to me this morning, "no sir, we just provide the wifi, you have to provide the power." Does anyone have a really loud, smoky gasoline-powered generator I could borrow? Nevermind, here's your reboot: * [An article on ZDNet][3] yesterday led some people to conclude that Microsoft Office Genuine Advantage would put the Office Suite in reduced functionality mode if the software couldn't be validated. Turns out [that isn't true][4]. * According to Yahoo News, the California Supreme Court ruled yesterday that web sites that publish inflammatory information written by other parties [cannot be sued for libel][2]. Should be a boon for flame wars everywhere. * Nielsen Media Research started [gathering data on the audience for Apple's iPod][5]. It turns out that iPod users spend far more time listening to audio than they do watching TV or movies. * And finally, TSIA: "[RIAA toilet paper][6]" [via [BoingBoing][1]] [6]: "Wipe your ass with the RIAA" [5]: "Ipod user habits" [4]: "No kill Switch in Office 2207" [3]: "ZDNet get's it wrong" [2]: [1]: "RIAA toilet paper"