* Listening Post tells you how to [turn your Wii into an iTunes Jukebox][1] using Opera. [1]: http://blog.wired.com/music/2006/12/turn_your_itune.html "Listening Post on Wii" * 27B Stroke 6 [points out][2] all the fun things about flying during the holiday season. "People who sneak lighters past security are heroes in airport smoking lounges." [2]: http://blog.wired.com/27bstroke6/2006/12/27b_traveling_n.html "27B Stroke 6 on holiday flying" * Gear Factor [claims][3] wireless USB is coming next year. "Expect printers, laptops, cameras and other devices to start sporting built-in Wireless USB after the middle of the year." [3]: http://blog.wired.com/gadgets/2006/12/wireless_usb_co.html "Gear Factor on Wireless USB" * Bodyhack [reports][4] that Cleveland doctor is all set to do face transplants as soon as the find suitable candidate. "For the transplant, the entire skin flap of a patient's face and possibly parts of the scalp, ears and neck would be replaced." [4]: http://blog.wired.com/biotech/2006/12/first_full_faci.html "Bodyhack on face transplants" * John Brownlee over at Table of Malcontents makes me rethink my decision to give up caffeine; the man is prolific with a capital p. Today Table paid homage to [the world's oldest punk rocker][5], and [nude fencing][6]. Nude fencing. Is that really a good idea? [5]: http://blog.wired.com/tableofmalcontents/2006/12/the_death_of_th.html "Death of the World's Oldst Punk Rocker" [6]: http://blog.wired.com/tableofmalcontents/2006/12/morning_thing_n_2.html "Nude Fencing"