WiredblogsElsewhere on Wired: * Holy Crap. [When Zombie Ostriches Attack][1] in Table of Malcontents. * Bodyhack has a look at the [current state of cryonic freezing][2]. Apparently for only $28,000 you can turn your corpse into the proverbial ice cube. * Wired Science bring news of Canadian study that claims multi-lingual skills might help [delay the onset of Alzheimer's][3]. Do computer languages count? * It's tough to get excited about a refrigerator, but Gadget Lab brings us a concept "[Tree House][4]" fridge that'll knock your socks off. * 27B Stroke 6 has [The Only European Data Privacy Story You Ever Need To Read][5]. If only I could reclaim all the time I wasted reading those other stories. * And finally, because we don't want to leave you on paranoid note freaking out about Euro privacy issues, remember no matter what happens: [don't forget the demon][6]. [1]: http://blog.wired.com/tableofmalcontents/2007/01/morning_thing_w.html "Morning Thing: When Zombie Ostriches Attack" [2]: http://blog.wired.com/biotech/2007/01/preserve_your_b.html "Preserve Your Body Forever: Cheap!" [3]: http://blog.wired.com/wiredscience/2007/01/language_brains.html "Language, Brains, and Alzheimers" [4]: http://blog.wired.com/gadgets/2007/01/the_fridge_of_t.html "The Fridge of the Future" [5]: http://blog.wired.com/27bstroke6/2007/01/the_only_europe.html "The Only European Data Privacy Story You Ever Need To Read" [6]: http://blog.wired.com/tableofmalcontents/2007/01/foresides_botto.html "Foreside's Bottom: the Demon Trainset"