Mozilla [released Thunderbird 2.0 beta 2][2] yesterday. Although beta 2 is listed a developer release suitable for testing, the download site was unreachable for a couple of hours yesterday, presumably because eager early adopters were scrambling to download the new version. Since I already [reviewed beta 1][4] a while ago I won't go into a lot of details, but I did want to say that beta 2 resolves all the stability issues I experienced with beta 1. The offical [beta 2 release notes][2] mirror those of beta 1, but there's also a complete list of [bug fixes available][3]. Thunderbird is progressing nicely although I have no real way to test it, beta 2 feels a good bit snappier than the first release and I'm happy to say the IMAP speeds are much improved. [2]: "Thunderbird 2.0 beta 1 release notes" [3]: "Thunderbird 2.0 beta 2 bug fixes" [4]: "Thunderbird 2.0 beta 1 reviewed"