Any_key_3The Morning Reboot: * Sixteen year old Robert Santangelo could be on his was to DVDJon-like folk hero status. Santangelo, who is facing a lawsuit from the RIAA, has [decided to counter sue][2] alleging the RIAA violate antitrust laws, conspired to defraud the courts and made extortionate threats. [2]: "Teen in piracy suit accuses record industry of collusion" * Trend Micro [reports][1] that two new exploits in Windows Mobile could allow DOS attacks and crash the phones. [1]: "Windows Mobile Exploits" * Microsoft if apparently [experimenting][3] with a pay-as-you-go rental plan for Office 2003. The program is being tested in South Africa, Mexico and Romania, but could be extended further depending on initial feedback. [3]: "Microsoft tests rental scheme for Office" * Technorati has [launched][4] a Digg-like service called "Where's The Fire?" [4]: "Where's the fire"