The Nightly Build: * A torrent of MP3s from bands showcasing at next month's South By Southwest Music festival is now [available for your downloading pleasure][1]. The torrent has 739 MP3s and is roughly 3.1 gigabytes in size. [1]: "SXSW 2007 Showcasing Band MP3s" * This morning it was AOL, this afternoon Digg, everybody loves OpenID. Today at the Future of Web Apps in London, Kevin Rose [announced that Digg plans to support OpenID][2]. [2]: "Digg Will Support OpenID" * The U.K. has [rejected a call to ban DRM][3]. However the government did acknowledge that the technology could undermine consumer rights. [3]: "U.K. government rejects calls for DRM ban" * Seeming to contradict Ballmer's earlier comments, Bill Gates said earlier today that Microsoft's Windows [Vista has been well received][4]. "People who sell PCs have seen a very nice lift in their sales. People have come in and wanted to buy Vista." [4]: "Windows Vista well received: Gates" [photo credit][5] [5]: "Flickr: Waiting on the Hill"