David Becker, who occasionally contributes tasty tidbits here at Compiler, has a fantastic [gallery of the lamest technology mascots][1] ever over on the main Wired site today. There's fifteen in all and they aren't really supposed to be in order, but I think it is fitting that it opens with [Clippy][3]. Personally I find the new Adobe clown pretty creepy as well. Also be sure to check out the online poll where you can cast your [vote for the lamest mascot][2] ever and add your own suggestions. [1]: http://www.wired.com/culture/design/multimedia/2007/04/gallery_mascots "Gallery: Lamest Technology Mascots Ever" [2]: http://blog.wired.com/articlecomment/2007/04/gallery_lamest_.html [3]: http://blog.wired.com/monkeybites/2007/01/in_memoriam_cli.html "In Memoriam: Clippy"