Office2007_2Microsoft has acknowledged that flaws in Vista's security update system may have left some Office 2007 users with unpatched, vulnerable systems. Mark Griesi, a Microsoft Security Response Communications team member, [writes][2] on the Microsoft Security Response blog that systems running Windows Vista and Office 2007 may not have received all of [this month's security updates][3], or that the updates may not have installed successfully. Griesi goes on to say that Microsoft has revamped the "detection logic for the May 8th Security and Non-Security Updates for Office 2007. The changes to the detection logic only pertain to a patch for a [flaw in Microsoft Excel][1] that allows for remote code execution. If you're running Microsoft Office 2007 on Windows Vista, Griesi says that "you will see new versions of the updates and will need to approve them." Note that there has been no change to the patches themselves. If by chance your machine managed to successfully install the updates under the old system, you will not be prompted for the new updates. [1]: "Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Excel could allow remote code execution" [2]: "New Detection Logic for May 8th Office 2007 Updates" [3]: "Microsoft Releases Windows Security Patch"