[Farecast][2], the airfare search site that predicts the best time to buy your tickets, has partnered with MSN to provide predictions for [MSN Travel users][1]. The front page of MSN Travel has been redesigned to accommodate the new widget which is featured just below the "top deals" from MSN's Expedia.com. The MSN Farecast widget is fully integrated into the main MSN Travel site though clicking through to search a destination will redirect you to Farecast's own domain. However despite the URL, the page retains the MSN Travel navigation bar and looks like it's part of MSN. Having saved a bundle of money of air travel this summer thanks to Farecast, I highly recommend it if you're thinking about purchasing air tickets. The only thing Farecast seems unable to include in its predictions are random one-day sales by particular airlines, and of course not every airport will generate predictions, but for major travel routes it's tough to beat. For the ultimate in air travel savings you could use Farecast in conjunction with [Yapta][3] to track your tickets after purchase and ensure that, if the price does go down, you can get a refund with a minimum of effort. [via [Mashable][4]] [1]: http://travel.msn.com/default.aspx [2]: http://www.farecast.com/ [3]: http://blog.wired.com/monkeybites/2007/05/yapta_a_smarter.html "Yapta: A Smarter Way To Travel" [4]: http://mashable.com/2007/07/17/farecast-msn/