At some point in college I signed up for a few art classes and discovered what I already suspected -- I have no talent in that realm. Which is why there are sites like [Iconfinder][1] to help even the most graphic design backward among us find attractive icons for websites and wherever else you need to use them. There are of course many sites devoted to icons, but Iconfinder has a nice clean, easy to use interface and returns a plethora of options to suit nearly every taste and design. You can search for specific icons and then narrow your results by size or just browse through the most popular options via a tag cloud. Every result has handy links to download and, most importantly, the licensing terms of the icon. A random sampling from a series of searches turned up mainly GPL licenses with a few LGPLs as well, which means they're free to use. [via [CyberNetNews][2]] [1]: [2]: