High on the iPhone's list of missing features is some sort of copy-n-paste functionality. While Apple hasn't said anything about adding such features, that didn't stop a user by the name of lonelysandwich from creating the fake "proof-of-concept" video embedded above. Lonelysandwich's video makes hilarious use of the iPhone promo spots, but the method itself seems a little awkward. To my thinking, Apple would be better off using a finger drag for selecting, though I can see where it would be difficult to determine if the drag was intended to select or just move the loupe. But the clipboard "okay" screen and the pasting method in the video make perfect sense and fit well with the rest of the iPhone's interface. Be sure to let us know if you have a better idea. [via [Kottke][1]] [1]: http://www.kottke.org/remainder/07/08/13996.html