The iPhone has received another small update, which brings the current software up to version 1.0.2. The latest update includes in the illuminating words of Apple: "Bug Fixes." No further details are available. To update just connect your iPhone and fire up iTunes which will offer to download and install the new software. But keep in mind that, as with the previous update, v1.0.2 validates the current iPhone software, which means if you've installed any cool hacks you'll be forced to do a complete restore, wiping out the hacked functions. On the bright side all the hacks seem to still function, which means Apple isn't actively blocking them, at least so far. Another gotcha to watch out for -- make sure you download or otherwise back up any images you've taken with the iPhone's camera before you restore otherwise they'll be lost. As for what the update does, no one seems to have identified anything noteworthy, which may well be why Apple hasn't said anything.