Elsewhere on Wired Blogs: * Gear Factor [brings news][1] of an HD-DVD/Blu-ray combo player from LG, but will anyone care? "Consumer disinterest has more to do with the price tags than with philosophical exasperation at the existence of competing formats." [1]: http://blog.wired.com/gadgets/2007/01/lg_to_unleash_h.html "LG To Unleash HD-DVD/Blu-Ray Combo Player" * Table of Malcontent has a [write-up][2] on every cynic's favorite end-of-the-year award -- the Darwin Awards. [2]: http://blog.wired.com/tableofmalcontents/2007/01/2006s_darwin_aw.html "2006's Darwin Award Winners" * Listening Post has some [advance details][3] on a slick looking new MP3 player from iRiver which will make its debut at CES next week. [3]: http://blog.wired.com/music/2007/01/new_iriver_mp3_.html "New iRiver MP3 Players at CES" * Our new science blog, aptly titled WIRED Science, [posted a cool video][4] of the initial launch of the Goddard ,a rocket built by Blue Origin, the space launch company founded by Amazon's Jeff Bezos. [4]: http://blog.wired.com/wiredscience/2007/01/blue_origin_lif.html "Blue Origin liftoff"