The Nightly Build: * It took all of a month. Yes Virginia, there appears to be a [serious exploit/flaw in Microsoft's new Office 2007][3] software. The exploit affects Microsoft Office Publisher 2007 and would allow an attacker to create a malicious publisher file, which, when opened, could leave the victim's system infected and susceptible to a remote attacks. [3]: "Flaw found in Office 2007" * Gizmodo wants everyone to [boycott RIAA music][2] for the month of March. Instead they'd like to see people support bands without supporting the RIAA, i.e. buy indie records, go to shows and buy DRM free downloads. Its a nice thought, however, call me cynical but I have a feeling most of the people who would really get behind this probably haven't bought a CD since Napster debuted. * Estonia will be the first country in the world to [allow internet voting][4] in a national election. Estonia has allowed internet voting in local elections since 2005. [4]: "Estonians will be first to allow Internet votes in national election" * Today's web zen: [Yoshihiko Satoh artworks][1] [1]: "Yoshihiko Satoh artworks" [2]: "Boycott the RIAA in March"