Any_key_3The Morning Reboot, presidential style: * The media industry is [unhappy with YouTube's proposal][3] to offer anti-piracy tools only to companies that have distribution deals with the site. One industry rep even likened YouTube's policy to a "mafia shakedown." According to Reuters, "YouTube claims the process of identifying copyrighted material is not an automated process and required the cooperation of media company partners." [3]: "YouTube Anti-Piracy Software Policy Draws Fire" * PCWorld [reports][4] that your credit card could be broadcasting information to anyone with an RFID scanner including personal data and credit card number. Don't you just love RFID? [4]:,129096-pg,1/article.html "New Credit Cards May Leak Personal Information" * The [MPAA has apparently been stealing code][1] to run its website. The movie industry site was caught using linkware-licensed software created by an English web developer, but had removed all links back and did not credit developer in any way. Good enough to fit an Alanis Morissette song, provided you think hypocrisy is a form of irony. [1]: "MPAA Steals Code, Violates Linkware License" * Dr. Robert Adler, inventor of the television remote control and modern American culture, [passed away yesterday][2]. [2]: "Robert Adler, 1913-2007 -- TV Remote Control Co-Inventor"