The Nightly Build: * Holy Ginormous settlements Batman! A U.S. federal jury found that Microsoft MP3 technology [infringed on audio patents][1] held by Alcatel-Lucent and should pay $1.52 billion in damages. Ouch. [1]: "Microsoft Hit With $1.5B in Damages" * A Korean company [claims][2] to have broken the 22nm limit that has held Flash media back from larger storage capacities. The company says it has developed 10nm semiconductors based on carbon nanotubes which could lead to storage cards of up to 100 GB. [2]: "Korean researchers aiming for 100 GB flash memory cards" * Feedburner has some [interesting statistics][3] about the RSS world. Feedburner currently tracks 604,533 feeds. [3]: "FeedBurner's View of the Feed Market" Today's web zen: [make your own steampunk keyboard][4] [4]: "Steampunk Keyboard Mod"