Stumblelogo[StumbleUpon][1], the popular social bookmarking and web exploration site, has redesigned and added some new features. The site now sports a very Digg-like front door with a stream of recently added sites trailing down the page. The site has also been revamped to emphasize the community aspects of StumbleUpon. A new column called "Recent Stumblers" on the right side of the main page highlights users currently online making it even easier to connect with people that share your interests. For those not familiar with StumbleUpon, have a look at our [review from last year][2]. While the basic functionality of the site has not changed, the redesign makes it easier to navigate and discover new content. While exploring the new redesign I stumbled (natch) across a feature that let's you [track what people are saying about your site][3]. I wrote about a little hack to [do the same with][4] a while back. Like method, the StumbleUpon tracker offers an RSS feed so you can receive notifications whenever someone reviews your site. To be honest I don't know if that is a new feature or not since I primarily rely on the Firefox toolbar rather than browsing the site itself, but either way it's nice way to get feedback from users. [1]: "StumbleUpon" [2]: "The Social Bookmarking Showdown: StumbleUpon" [3]: "Track reviews of your website using StumbleUpon." [4]: "How To Track When Users Bookmark Your Site"