Ubuntu Linux is coming to a mobile device near you. Earlier this week CTO Matt Zimmerman announced plans to build a mobile version of the popular Ubuntu Linux distribution. In the announcement, Zimmerman specifically mentions the new low-power processor from Intel, code-named Silverthorn, which will allow full internet use on mobile devices. Ubuntu's [announcement][1] comes just a month after the GNOME foundation, which makes the desktop environment used by Ubuntu, announced a similar mobile platform proposal. Like the the [GNOME Mobile and Embedded Initiative][2], the Ubuntu plan will see developers working closely with Intel and other hardware manufacturers. With [Dell now shipping Ubuntu pre-installed][3] on a number of its laptop computers and the new drive into mobile computing, Ubuntu seems poised to become the first mainstream success for the Linux community. But the mobile platform presents some new challenges for Ubuntu developers, including the need for an intuitive and easy-to-se graphical interface, something critics frequently cite as a shortcoming of Linux systems. The mobile edition of Ubuntu is scheduled for release in October, alongside a new version the regular Ubuntu distribution. [1]: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2007-May/000289.html "Ubuntu Mobile and Embedded Edition" [2]: http://gnomedesktop.org/node/3056 "The GNOME Mobile & Embedded Initative" [3]: http://blog.wired.com/monkeybites/2007/05/ubuntu_fiesty_f.html "Ubuntu Fiesty Fawn Coming to Dell Laptops"