The JPEG standards group announced today it will consider Microsoft's HD Photo format (also known as Windows Media Photo) as a possible successor to the JPEG standard. If the Microsoft format is approved, it will be renamed JPG XR. Geared toward the digital photography market, Microsoft's HD Photo offers a number of advantages over the existing JPEG format, including lossless compression, support for embedded color profiles and the ability to manipulate the compressed data directly. Another format, JPEG2000 is also under consideration, but Microsoft claims its format offers speed and size advantages over JPEG2000. As part of the submission, Microsoft has also said it will release royalty free versions of all the patents required by HD Photo, should it be approved. The JPEG standard committee will make its decision by the end October. Should it be approved HD Photo will probably be published as a completed standard within roughly a year. [via [Ars Technica][1]] [1]: