The new tamanous society will regard the Faustian elite as another “person” searching for their own truth. In this way tamanous and Faustian are rather compatible. The flash points will be where the Faustian forces the hand of tamanous society. When this happens, society splits into concurring and opposing factions, as we are seeing today. In true tamanous spirit, these are two sides seeking their own truth. The Faustian elite will only be able to oppress the opposing side for a time before the opposing side comes under new government favorable to their truth. The first few rounds of this splitting – a split society resulting in fracturing of government and breakdown of large states, will be brutal and difficult. Past a certain point the biophysical resources available to govern a given region limit the number of political subdivisions so I expect the existing and upcoming shortage of energy and resources forces everyone to pull back from their will to power, at least in part, resulting in America breaking into a handful of states where government, under the guise of libertarianism and in the spirit of tamanous and under the duress of resource scarcity, take a light touch to governance, maybe too light of a touch, leading to corruption being one of the main ways to get ahead. It is easy to lose yourself in the big picture if you do not find yourself in community with others. Just because tamanous does not find truth in community does not mean that community is not important in a tamanous civilization. This would be a Faustian conceit. Perhaps JMG could speak to role of community in tamanous civilization. Certainly Native Americans, for example, have placed and continue to place great importance on their tribal affiliations. --- I think I see some stirrings of Tamanous culture in spiritual circles along the mountain midwest. People here refer to their “guidance,” as a source of wisdom, and this has become a catch-all term that can include everything from religion to spirit guides (ghosts, angels, individual trees, what have you) to their own inexplicable intuition—and the term treats it all as equally valid. In practice, of course, people tend to be more egocentric than their use of the term implies, but I’m excited to see how the language works on people over the coming years—naturally, it has a spirit of its own. 6AG625558 Web Order # 103975218586