path: root/lib/filebrowser/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/filebrowser/')
1 files changed, 388 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/filebrowser/ b/lib/filebrowser/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3ff5cc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/filebrowser/
@@ -0,0 +1,388 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+# imports
+import os, re, decimal
+from time import gmtime, strftime, localtime, mktime, time
+from urlparse import urlparse
+# django imports
+from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
+from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
+from django.core.files import File
+from import default_storage
+from django.utils.encoding import smart_str
+# filebrowser imports
+from filebrowser.settings import *
+# PIL import
+ from PIL import Image
+ try:
+ from PIL import Image
+ except ImportError:
+ import Image
+def url_to_path(value):
+ """
+ Change URL to PATH.
+ Value has to be an URL relative to MEDIA URL or a full URL (including MEDIA_URL).
+ Returns a PATH relative to MEDIA_ROOT.
+ """
+ mediaurl_re = re.compile(r'^(%s)' % (MEDIA_URL))
+ value = mediaurl_re.sub('', value)
+ return value
+def path_to_url(value):
+ """
+ Change PATH to URL.
+ Value has to be a PATH relative to MEDIA_ROOT.
+ Return an URL relative to MEDIA_ROOT.
+ """
+ mediaroot_re = re.compile(r'^(%s)' % (MEDIA_ROOT))
+ value = mediaroot_re.sub('', value)
+ return url_join(MEDIA_URL, value)
+def dir_from_url(value):
+ """
+ Get the relative server directory from a URL.
+ URL has to be an absolute URL including MEDIA_URL or
+ an URL relative to MEDIA_URL.
+ """
+ mediaurl_re = re.compile(r'^(%s)' % (MEDIA_URL))
+ value = mediaurl_re.sub('', value)
+ directory_re = re.compile(r'^(%s)' % (DIRECTORY))
+ value = directory_re.sub('', value)
+ return os.path.split(value)[0]
+def get_version_path(value, version_prefix):
+ """
+ Construct the PATH to an Image version.
+ Value has to be server-path, relative to MEDIA_ROOT.
+ version_filename = filename + version_prefix + ext
+ Returns a path relative to MEDIA_ROOT.
+ """
+ if os.path.isfile(smart_str(os.path.join(MEDIA_ROOT, value))):
+ path, filename = os.path.split(value)
+ filename, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
+ # check if this file is a version of an other file
+ # to return filename_<version>.ext instead of filename_<version>_<version>.ext
+ tmp = filename.split("_")
+ if tmp[len(tmp)-1] in ADMIN_VERSIONS:
+ # it seems like the "original" is actually a version of an other original
+ # so we strip the suffix (aka. version_perfix)
+ new_filename = filename.replace("_" + tmp[len(tmp)-1], "")
+ # check if the version exists when we use the new_filename
+ if os.path.isfile(smart_str(os.path.join(MEDIA_ROOT, path, new_filename + "_" + version_prefix + ext))):
+ # our "original" filename seem to be filename_<version> construct
+ # so we replace it with the new_filename
+ filename = new_filename
+ # if a VERSIONS_BASEDIR is set we need to strip it from the path
+ # or we get a <VERSIONS_BASEDIR>/<VERSIONS_BASEDIR>/... construct
+ path = path.replace(VERSIONS_BASEDIR + "/", "")
+ version_filename = filename + "_" + version_prefix + ext
+ return os.path.join(VERSIONS_BASEDIR, path, version_filename)
+ else:
+ return None
+def sort_by_attr(seq, attr):
+ """
+ Sort the sequence of objects by object's attribute
+ Arguments:
+ seq - the list or any sequence (including immutable one) of objects to sort.
+ attr - the name of attribute to sort by
+ Returns:
+ the sorted list of objects.
+ """
+ import operator
+ # Use the "Schwartzian transform"
+ # Create the auxiliary list of tuples where every i-th tuple has form
+ # (seq[i].attr, i, seq[i]) and sort it. The second item of tuple is needed not
+ # only to provide stable sorting, but mainly to eliminate comparison of objects
+ # (which can be expensive or prohibited) in case of equal attribute values.
+ intermed = map(None, map(getattr, seq, (attr,)*len(seq)), xrange(len(seq)), seq)
+ intermed.sort()
+ return map(operator.getitem, intermed, (-1,) * len(intermed))
+def url_join(*args):
+ """
+ URL join routine.
+ """
+ if args[0].startswith("http://"):
+ url = "http://"
+ else:
+ url = "/"
+ for arg in args:
+ arg = arg.replace("\\", "/")
+ arg_split = arg.split("/")
+ for elem in arg_split:
+ if elem != "" and elem != "http:":
+ url = url + elem + "/"
+ # remove trailing slash for filenames
+ if os.path.splitext(args[-1])[1]:
+ url = url.rstrip("/")
+ return url
+def get_path(path):
+ """
+ Get Path.
+ """
+ if path.startswith('.') or os.path.isabs(path) or not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(MEDIA_ROOT, DIRECTORY, path)):
+ return None
+ return path
+def get_file(path, filename):
+ """
+ Get File.
+ """
+ converted_path = smart_str(os.path.join(MEDIA_ROOT, DIRECTORY, path, filename))
+ if not os.path.isfile(converted_path) and not os.path.isdir(converted_path):
+ return None
+ return filename
+def get_breadcrumbs(query, path):
+ """
+ Get breadcrumbs.
+ """
+ breadcrumbs = []
+ dir_query = ""
+ if path:
+ for item in path.split(os.sep):
+ dir_query = os.path.join(dir_query,item)
+ breadcrumbs.append([item,dir_query])
+ return breadcrumbs
+def get_filterdate(filterDate, dateTime):
+ """
+ Get filterdate.
+ """
+ returnvalue = ''
+ dateYear = strftime("%Y", gmtime(dateTime))
+ dateMonth = strftime("%m", gmtime(dateTime))
+ dateDay = strftime("%d", gmtime(dateTime))
+ if filterDate == 'today' and int(dateYear) == int(localtime()[0]) and int(dateMonth) == int(localtime()[1]) and int(dateDay) == int(localtime()[2]): returnvalue = 'true'
+ elif filterDate == 'thismonth' and dateTime >= time()-2592000: returnvalue = 'true'
+ elif filterDate == 'thisyear' and int(dateYear) == int(localtime()[0]): returnvalue = 'true'
+ elif filterDate == 'past7days' and dateTime >= time()-604800: returnvalue = 'true'
+ elif filterDate == '': returnvalue = 'true'
+ return returnvalue
+def get_settings_var():
+ """
+ Get settings variables used for FileBrowser listing.
+ """
+ settings_var = {}
+ # Main
+ settings_var['DEBUG'] = DEBUG
+ settings_var['MEDIA_ROOT'] = MEDIA_ROOT
+ settings_var['MEDIA_URL'] = MEDIA_URL
+ settings_var['DIRECTORY'] = DIRECTORY
+ # FileBrowser
+ # TinyMCE
+ settings_var['URL_TINYMCE'] = URL_TINYMCE
+ settings_var['PATH_TINYMCE'] = PATH_TINYMCE
+ # Extensions/Formats (for FileBrowseField)
+ settings_var['EXTENSIONS'] = EXTENSIONS
+ # Versions
+ settings_var['VERSIONS'] = VERSIONS
+ # FileBrowser Options
+ # Convert Filenames
+ return settings_var
+def handle_file_upload(path, file):
+ """
+ Handle File Upload.
+ """
+ try:
+ file_path = os.path.join(path,
+ uploadedfile =, file)
+ except Exception, inst:
+ print "___filebrowser.functions.handle_file_upload(): could not save uploaded file"
+ print "ERROR: ", inst
+ print "___"
+ return uploadedfile
+def get_file_type(filename):
+ """
+ Get file type as defined in EXTENSIONS.
+ """
+ file_extension = os.path.splitext(filename)[1].lower()
+ file_type = ''
+ for k,v in EXTENSIONS.iteritems():
+ for extension in v:
+ if file_extension == extension.lower():
+ file_type = k
+ return file_type
+def is_selectable(filename, selecttype):
+ """
+ Get select type as defined in FORMATS.
+ """
+ file_extension = os.path.splitext(filename)[1].lower()
+ select_types = []
+ for k,v in SELECT_FORMATS.iteritems():
+ for extension in v:
+ if file_extension == extension.lower():
+ select_types.append(k)
+ return select_types
+def version_generator(value, version_prefix, force=None):
+ """
+ Generate Version for an Image.
+ value has to be a serverpath relative to MEDIA_ROOT.
+ """
+ # PIL's Error "Suspension not allowed here" work around:
+ # s.
+ from PIL import ImageFile
+ else:
+ try:
+ from PIL import ImageFile
+ except ImportError:
+ import ImageFile
+ ImageFile.MAXBLOCK = IMAGE_MAXBLOCK # default is 64k
+ try:
+ im =, value)))
+ version_path = get_version_path(value, version_prefix)
+ absolute_version_path = smart_str(os.path.join(MEDIA_ROOT, version_path))
+ version_dir = os.path.split(absolute_version_path)[0]
+ if not os.path.isdir(version_dir):
+ os.makedirs(version_dir)
+ os.chmod(version_dir, 0775)
+ version = scale_and_crop(im, VERSIONS[version_prefix]['width'], VERSIONS[version_prefix]['height'], VERSIONS[version_prefix]['opts'])
+ if version:
+ try:
+, quality=VERSION_QUALITY, optimize=(os.path.splitext(version_path)[1].lower() != '.gif'))
+ except IOError:
+ else:
+ # version wasn't created
+ pass
+ return version_path
+ except:
+ return None
+def scale_and_crop(im, width, height, opts):
+ """
+ Scale and Crop.
+ """
+ x, y = [float(v) for v in im.size]
+ if 'upscale' not in opts and x < width:
+ # version would be bigger than original
+ # no need to create this version, because "upscale" isn't defined.
+ return False
+ if width:
+ xr = float(width)
+ else:
+ xr = float(x*height/y)
+ if height:
+ yr = float(height)
+ else:
+ yr = float(y*width/x)
+ if 'crop' in opts:
+ r = max(xr/x, yr/y)
+ else:
+ r = min(xr/x, yr/y)
+ if r < 1.0 or (r > 1.0 and 'upscale' in opts):
+ im = im.resize((int(x*r), int(y*r)), resample=Image.ANTIALIAS)
+ if 'crop' in opts:
+ x, y = [float(v) for v in im.size]
+ ex, ey = (x-min(x, xr))/2, (y-min(y, yr))/2
+ if ex or ey:
+ im = im.crop((int(ex), int(ey), int(x-ex), int(y-ey)))
+ return im
+ # if 'crop' in opts:
+ # if 'top_left' in opts:
+ # #draw cropping box from upper left corner of image
+ # box = (0, 0, int(min(x, xr)), int(min(y, yr)))
+ # im = im.resize((int(x), int(y)), resample=Image.ANTIALIAS).crop(box)
+ # elif 'top_right' in opts:
+ # #draw cropping box from upper right corner of image
+ # box = (int(x-min(x, xr)), 0, int(x), int(min(y, yr)))
+ # im = im.resize((int(x), int(y)), resample=Image.ANTIALIAS).crop(box)
+ # elif 'bottom_left' in opts:
+ # #draw cropping box from lower left corner of image
+ # box = (0, int(y-min(y, yr)), int(xr), int(y))
+ # im = im.resize((int(x), int(y)), resample=Image.ANTIALIAS).crop(box)
+ # elif 'bottom_right' in opts:
+ # #draw cropping box from lower right corner of image
+ # (int(x-min(x, xr)), int(y-min(y, yr)), int(x), int(y))
+ # im = im.resize((int(x), int(y)), resample=Image.ANTIALIAS).crop(box)
+ # else:
+ # ex, ey = (x-min(x, xr))/2, (y-min(y, yr))/2
+ # if ex or ey:
+ # box = (int(ex), int(ey), int(x-ex), int(y-ey))
+ # im = im.resize((int(x), int(y)), resample=Image.ANTIALIAS).crop(box)
+ # return im
+scale_and_crop.valid_options = ('crop', 'upscale')
+def convert_filename(value):
+ """
+ Convert Filename.
+ """
+ return value.replace(" ", "_").lower()
+ else:
+ return value