AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2019-11-09finished up product insert templateluxagraf
2019-11-05changed comment form borderluxagraf
2019-11-05added productsluxagraf
2019-11-05added updates to posts modelluxagraf
2019-11-05fixed some formatting errors on detail pages related blockluxagraf
2019-10-07added new posts stuff and changed name of src postsluxagraf
2019-10-07added Luxtag admin and fixed category stringsluxagraf
2019-10-06updated matomo code to worklxf
2019-09-18added posts, consolidated essays into postsluxagraf
2019-09-14Merge branch 'master' of ssh://luxgit/luxagraf/luxagraf.netlxf
2019-09-14added matomo back to all pageslxf
2019-09-14Worked on guides, moved some templates to app/dirluxagraf
2019-09-08added autocomplete to admin sightingsluxagraf
2019-09-08added autocomplete to sightings againluxagraf
2019-09-08changed checkin linklxf
2019-08-22added comments option to pagesluxagraf
2019-07-11got rid of subtitle on the you might also enjoy sectionluxagraf
2019-07-04added guides to main adminluxagraf
2019-06-19tweaked pic960 templateluxagraf
2019-05-25made some changes to use new checkin modellxf
2019-05-05removed src from top menuluxagraf
2019-04-30added state to homepageluxagraf
2019-04-14fixed bugluxagraf
2019-04-14fixed but that put unpublished src posts in sitemapluxagraf
2019-04-14added drop cap to essaysluxagraf
2019-04-14added html to preambleluxagraf
2019-04-13added photo credit to column width imagesluxagraf
2019-04-13fixed missing manifest fileluxagraf
2019-04-13fixed bug in fathom js script codeluxagraf
2019-04-13added fathom analyticsluxagraf
2019-04-13added tags to links adminluxagraf
2019-04-12fixed favicon linkluxagraf
2019-04-13changed service worker scriptlxf
2019-04-11added h-entry u-photo to notes templateluxagraf
2019-04-09added print stylesheetluxagraf
2019-03-25added audio insert to admin image inserterluxagraf
2019-03-25added audio to image insertluxagraf
2019-03-25added new recording app to track recordingsluxagraf
2019-03-22fixed a bug in comment form template cssluxagraf
2019-03-22fixed comment preview template and latest redirectlxf
2019-03-22removed all optimizations since they made page slowerluxagraf
2019-03-22removed fontfaceluxagraf
2019-03-22added font definitions to inline stylesluxagraf
2019-03-22added rest of fonts to preloadluxagraf
2019-03-22added preload for one fontluxagraf
2019-03-22Merge branch 'master' of ssh://luxgit/luxagraf/luxagraf.netluxagraf
2019-03-22added preload for images.luxagraf.netluxagraf
2019-03-19fixed template bug with portrait imageslxf
2019-03-18eliminated static image from detail templateluxagraf
2019-03-17added a class name to main wrapper on detail pages for readabilityluxagraf